By E.I.R.Editors
By E.I.R.Editors
Chapter 5
Colluding With
In December 1985, then-FBI Director William
Webster, speaking at the National Press Club in
Washington, D.C, admitted that a "Jewish underground"
had emerged as a serious terrorist threat to the United
States during the preceding twelve months. Indeed, over
the course of 1985, the Jewish Defense League (JDL)
had been responsible for a string of sophisticated bombings
that left two people dead, a dozen others seriously
wounded, and caused millions of dollars in property
Alex Odeh, the head of the California branch of the
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (A.A.D.C),
had been killed when, a bomb went off at the group's
Santa Ana office. Seven other people were hospitalized
in the attack. Tscherim Soobzokov, a victim of the Justice Department's Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations
(OSI), had also died when a booby trap bomb blew
up his home in Paterson, N.J. A Boston police officer,
responding to a JDL bomb threat at the local office of
AADC, was crippled for life when a pipe bomb blew up
as he was attempting to defuse it.
Mordechai Levy
In each of these instances, the bomb attacks have
been preceded by noisy public demonstrations and inflammatory
press statements by Mordechai Levy, the
leader of a JDL splinter group, the Jewish Defense Organization
Although FBI boss Webster left his National Press
Club audience with the impression that the so-called
"Jewish underground" was a mysterious and amorphous
outfit about which the FBI had little information, in truth,
the Bureau had an exhaustive profile of the key personnel
and their mode of operation. FBI agents on the scene of
the Santa Ana, Calif. murder of Alex Odeh knew the
identities of the three men who planted the bomb before
Odeh's body was even removed from the murder scene.
The killers were longtime JDL members Andy Green,
Keith Fuchs and Bob Manning The American-born trio
were residents of an Israeli kibbutz in the occupied territories
called Kiryat Arba. Kiryat Arba was a training camp
and safehouse for the JDL and its Israeli affiliate, the Kach
The FBI listed Fuchs, Green and Manning as suspects
in a total of 25 terrorist attacks inside the United States.
Fuchs had been jailed in Israel in 1983 for firing a Soviet made
AK-47 rifle at a busload of Arabs on the West Bank.
Manning had served time in jail in the United States for
bombing the home of an Arab-American activist When
the three J.D.Lers arrived in Los Angeles several days before the Odeh murder, they were already under FBI
surveillance.[So if that is the case,that means they allowed the bombing that killed Odeh to happen DC]
It's no wonder that FBI Director Webster was not
anxious to discuss details with the room full of reporters
at the National Press Club. The Bureau had been in a
position to prevent the bombing of the Santa Ana AADC
office and they had flubbed it.
Or worse?
At the same time that the "Jewish underground" was
conducting its bombing spree from coast to coast, the
FBI was relying increasingly on the ADL for information
about extremist groups! This was the same ADL that
would join with the KGB and the East German Stasi in
covering the trail of the assassins of Sweden's head of
state, Olof Palme.
Even more to the point, this was the same ADL that
was instrumental in the creation and deployment of such
diverse terrorist groups as the JDL and the Ku Klux Klan!
According to Robert Friedman, the biographer of
JDL founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, the militant Jewish
group was controlled from its founding days by a secret
three-person committee made up of future Israeli Prime
Minister and Mossad operations chief Yitzhak Shamir,
right-wing Israeli parliamentarian Geula Cohen, and
Brooklyn ADL Chairman Bernard Deutch.
It was at a December 1969 meeting between Cohen
and Kahane, arranged by Deutch, that the J.D.L launched
its campaign of terror and intimidation against Soviet
diplomats in New York and Washington, aimed at forcing
the Soviets to loosen up their emigration laws for Jews.
In the early days, before J.D.L head Kahane hooked up
with mobster Joe Colombo, and many J.D.Lers began funding
their terrorist operations by selling dope or running syndicate shakedown operations, A.D.L man Deutch had
been the moneybags behind the Jewish militants.
Deutch's involvement with the J.D.L was such a well-kept
secret that his Kahane links remained virtually unknown
until 1991.
Just as the B'nai B'rith had quietly steered other
Jewish-American groups to smuggle arms into Russia on
the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution, the A.D.L ran the
"Jewish underground" from behind the scenes, often
going through the motions of publicly denouncing the
J.D.L violence to make sure that no direct links were ever
ADL's 'Ku Klutz Klanners'
Mordechai Levy, the leader of the J.D.L splinter group that
managed to show up on the doorsteps of Alex Odeh and
Tscherim Soobzokov on the eves of their assassinations,
maintained direct and frequent contact with the ADL's
Fact Finding Division head, Irwin Suall. Just two weeks
before the AADC's Washington, D.C. office was blown
upon Nov. 29,1985, Levy had appeared as the featured
speaker at a press conference hosted by the Federation
of Jewish Organizations of Greater Washington, an umbrella
group led by both the ADL and B'nai B'rith, to
present a list of "enemies of the Jewish people." AADC
was among the groups listed.
On more than one occasion, Levy's provocateur
antics nearly exposed the ADL's hand in fomenting domestic
On Feb. 16, 1979, Levy, using the pseudonym
"James Guttman," filed an application with the U.S. Park
Service in Philadelphia, Pa. to obtain permission to hold a rally. The rally permit sought by Levy/Guttman was not
filed in the name of the J.D.L. Levy was posing as a leader
of the American Nazi Party, seeking a permit for a Ku
Klux Klan and Nazi Party rally at Independence Hall, the
site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
According to the rally permit, Levy was planning a
"white power rally, to show white masses unity of white
race, and to show the world niggers and Jews are cowards."
Among the paraphernalia Levy listed on the application
were: "swastikas, banners, Nazi uniforms, KKK
paraphernalia ... will burn cross, swastika picket signs
saying 'Hitler was right—gas commie Jews.'" [Can you say FALSE FLAG????DC]
Working out of the Philadelphia offices of the Jewish
Defense League, Levy organized local chapters of the
KKK and neo-Nazi groups to attend the Independence
Hall rally. In the case of the Trenton, N.J. KKK, Levy had
an inside track. James Rosenberg, also known as "Jimmy
Mitchell" and "Jimmy Anderson"—a full-time paid employee
of the A.D.L Fact Finding Division—had successfully
infiltrated the local chapter of the Klan.
Rosenberg had recently attempted unsuccessfully
to get some of the local K.K.Kers to blow up the Trenton
headquarters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P). At the same
time he was posing as "James Guttman," neo-Nazi, Levy
was also mobilizing the Jewish community and every
ragtag left-wing radical group in the greater Philadelphia
area to attend a mass demonstration "to confront" the
K.K.K and Nazis at Independence Hall. All the ingredients
were there for a serious riot—courtesy of the A.D.L.
Fortunately, word of Levy's scam on the Park Service
leaked out to the Philadelphia press. After one Philadelphia newspaper ran a banner headline "Nazi Rally-Rouser
Really Jewish," the Park Service yanked the permit Levy's
A.D.L handlers ordered him to lay low for a while.
After all, there was no need to jeopardize Levy or
even Rosenberg's standing as professional agents provocateur
inside the racist right-wing. The A.D.L had plenty
of other aces up their sleeves, and not all of them were
Jewish infiltrators.
Goodman, Cheney, Schwerner
and the ADL
One of the most shocking instances of racist violence
during the civil rights battles in the South of the U.S.
during the 1960's was the execution-style murders of
three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Miss. in 1964.
The murders of Andrew Goodman, Robert Cheney and
Mitchell Schwerner sent shock waves across America
and the world, as many people began to realize for the
first time that the Confederacy, far from being dead, was
very much alive and very much committed to rolling
back the tide of equal rights for all races—at least in the
Deep South.
True to its historical roots in the Southern Jurisdiction
of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry and in the original
Confederate secessionist plot, the A.D.L—contrary to its
own published propaganda—lined up squarely with the
Klan where it counted the most: with its checkbook.
One particularly sordid instance of collusion between
the A.D.L and the KKK came to light in a hail of
bullets on the night of June 30, 1968 in Meridian, Miss.,
outside the home of A.D.L official Meyer Davidson.
When the smoke cleared, a local schoolteacher
named Kathy Ainsworth lay dead, and a second man,Thomas A. Tenants III, lay dying after being hit with
over 70 bullets fired by 22 local police and FBI agents.
Miraculously, Terrants survived the attack.
Terrants and Ainsworth, both local Klan members,
had been set up. They went to Davidson's home that
night to plant a bomb on his doorstep, not knowing that
the leader of their own K.K.K chapter had betrayed them,
and that a small army of police and FBI sharpshooters
was waiting in the bushes to ambush them.
The entire affair had been staged by the A.D.L. The
agent provocateur inside the local K.K.K chapter who set
up Terrants and Ainsworth was one of the killers of
Goodman, Cheney and Schwerner. Alton Wayne Roberts
was out on bail awaiting his trial, along with six other
members of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, for
the Philadelphia, Miss, murders when, in the early spring
of 1968, he cut a deal with the A.D.L's regional director,
Adolph Botnick. The New Orleans-based Botnick had
been a longstanding friend of the late Guy Bannister, the
former F.B.I special agent implicated by District Attorney
Jim Garrison in the assassination of President John F.
Botnick, with the blessings of Meridian-based FBI
Special Agent Frank Watts and Meridian police detective
Luke Scarborough, agreed to pay Alton Wayne Roberts
and his brother Raymond Roberts $69,000 to become
the League's paid agents provocateur. $25,000 in unmarked
twenty-dollar bills was hand-delivered from New
Orleans to the Roberts brothers just days before the
Ainsworth-Terrants ambush.
At the time the deal was struck, the White Knights,
led by the two Roberts brothers, had been on a nine month
bombing spree. The brothers were prime suspects in ten separate acts of racist violence, in addition
to the Philadelphia murders. Three of these attacks were
directed against synagogues and Jewish leaders in Mississippi.
The Roberts brothers, as per their deal with Botnick,
ordered two of their Klan underlings to deliver the bomb
to Davidson's home. They then tipped off the FBI and
the local police about the exact time the attack would
In return for their continuing services to the A..D.L
after the Davidson incident, the brothers were given slap
on the wrist sentences and placed in the FBI's witness
protection program. For his part in the Goodman,
Cheney and Schwerner murders, Alton Wayne Roberts
spent less than three years in jail.
The Meridian incident was classic A.D.L. The League
used the "racist attack" against Meyer Davidson as a scare
tactic fundraising ploy. The money they raised more than
covered the costs of buying up the two K.K.Kers as their
permanent agents provocateur inside the Klan. The
League parlayed their financing of the Roberts brothers
into an ever-closer relationship with the F.B.I, which was
delighted to have the A.D.L finance and deploy two of the
Klan's most violent terrorists.
Chapter 6
In Bed With
Dictators and
On the day in November 1985 that Israeli
spy Jonathan Jay Pollard was arrested, things went haywire
at the A.D.L's headquarters near United Nations Plaza
in New York City. National Chairman Kenneth Bialkin
immediately flew off to Israel to assess the damage and
to make arrangements for the appropriate American attorneys
to be brought in to represent not only the jailed
spy, but the other, more senior players in the nominally
Israeli spy ring.
Among the most important of those senior players
was Col. Aviem Sella, an Israeli Air Force war hero who
had been Pollard's recruiter on behalf of the secret Israeli
techno-spy unit, Lekem.
Sella's cover for his spy recruiting was that he was
in the United States taking graduate courses at New York University; and Sella's wife Ruth, a practicing attorney,
reportedly was working on the staff of the A.D.L's legal
department while the couple lived in New York.
Any published links between the A.D.L and life Pollard
spy apparatus could naturally prove very damaging,
especially in light of the cozy relationship the League
was enjoying with the Reagan White House at the time.
While still in Israel, Bialkin telephoned fellow A.D.L
man Leonard Garment of the politically powerful law
firm of Dickstein, Shapiro. Garment was then the personal
lawyer for U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese. He
agreed at Bialkin's urging to represent Sella in the Pollard
matter, despite the obvious, severe conflict of interest.
At the A.D.L's Washington, D.C. office, Mira Lansky
Boland was also undoubtedly worried that her own links
to Pollard might surface. Lansky Boland had been a classmate
and pal of Pollard at the graduate school program
in national security affairs at the Fletcher School of Diplomacy
of Tufts University in Cambridge, Mass. Upon graduation
in 1978, both Lansky and Pollard had been immediately
placed into sensitive posts in the U.S. intelligence
community. Pollard had gone into Naval intelligence
and had almost immediately begun funneling secrets to
Lansky Boland had gone to work for the Central
Intelligence Agency. After a two-year stint with the CIA,
she had transferred to the Pentagon, where she worked
under Dr. Andrew Marshall at the Office of Net Assessments,
a little known but powerful unit that prepared
technical assessments of Soviet military capabilities. In
1982, Lansky had left the government to work full-time
for the A.D.L in Washington.
Shortly after her arrival at the A.D.L from the Pentagon, she was assigned as the case officer on the- League's
multi-million dollar campaign to smear and jail Lyndon
LaRouche and scores of his associates.
Following the Pollard arrest, Andrew Marshall
would be identified as a suspected senior member of the
Pollard spy ring, although no charges were ever brought
against him and he remains to this day in his post at the
Defense Department To this day, Pentagon officials have
never succeeded in pinning down the identity of the "Mr.
X" who gave Pollard the code numbers of the classified
documents that the Naval intelligence analyst then stole
and passed on to Lekem.
Both Pollard and Lansky had gotten their government
spy jobs courtesy of Fletcher School professor Uri
Ra'anan. Ra'anan, an Oxford University-trained Middle
East expert, had himself been an Israeli government intelligence
operative, posted in New York City and Washington
during the 1950's and 1960's. While serving as a "press
attache" at the Israeli embassy in Washington in the
mid-1960's, Ra'anan had helped set up a unit that would
recruit Israeli spies from the ranks of American businessmen
traveling frequently to the Soviet Union and Eastern
That spy unit, which was unearthed in a series of
civil suits beginning in 1967, was housed at the headquarters
of the B'nai B'rith International Ra'anan's contact
point inside the B'nai B'rith was Philip Klutznick an
honorary national chairman of the A.D.L who would later
serve as President Jimmy Carter's secretary of commerce.
Among the damage control efforts launched by the
ADL in the wake of the Pollard arrest was the planting of
a string of news accounts and editorials portraying Pollard as a loyal American who was also committed to
the security of the state of Israel. Harmless, "friendly
espionage" was the term coined by the League and its
small army of paid agents inside the news media.
Unfortunately, Pollard's spying Was anything but
harmless or friendly.
The Lekem unit, headed by the former chief of European
operations for the Mossad, Rafael ("Dirty Rafi")
Eytan, was passing on the most sensitive of the American
national security secrets heisted by Pollard to the Soviet
KGB. In return, Moscow was opening up the pipeline of
Soviet Jews to Israel.
It was treachery of the highest order, and then Secretary
of Defense Caspar Weinberger was fully aware
of the magnitude of Pollard's crimes when he asked the
judge to sentence Pollard to life in prison after the spy
agreed to plead guilty. In a 46-page, classified affidavit
submitted to the judge in the Pollard case, Weinberger
showed that much of the Pollard material wound up in
Soviet hands, and that it would cost the United States
billions of dollars to repair the national security damage
done by the Pollard spy ring.
In fact, of the millions of pages of classified documents
funneled by Pollard, to the KGB, a majority were
of no critical interest to Israel at all.
Whiskey for the Red Dictators
Did Kenneth Bialkin or Mira Lansky Boland, or any of the
other ADL officials who abetted Pollard in his spy work,
know that the pilfered material was going to the KGB?
The answer to that question has never been made public.
To this day, only the players in the espionage operation
know for sure.
However, it is unquestionably the case that at the
same time the A.D.L was knee-deep in the Pollard stew,
top A.D.L officials were working hand in glove with the
Soviet bloc intelligence services on several other projects
that would have devastating consequences for the
United States.
One such A.D.L "friend of Moscow" was whiskey
baron Edgar Bronfman.

The third-generation Bronfmans had successfully
transformed their fathers' Prohibition-era bootlegging
business into a "legit" whiskey empire, Seagram's. This
transformation had been aided early on by the U.S. Treasury
Department, which cut a deal with Sam and Abe
Bronfman at the close of Prohibition, enabling them to
pay several million dollars in "back taxes" in return for
a whitewashing of their decade of big-time crimes.
The Bronfman family came out of the deal as multimillionaires—with
all their ties to the Lansky syndicate
still intact
Abner "Longie" Zwillman was not the only Prohibition-era
gangster who profited from the old saw, "from
rags to rackets to riches to respectability." By the 1950's,
the Bronfmans' image had been so cleaned up that Edgar
could marry into the "Our Crowd" Loeb family, and his
sister Phyllis could marry Jean Lambert of the Belgian
branch of the Rothschild clan. The Lambert family was
the European connection in Drexel Burnham Lambert.
However, image-polishing is one thing. Reality is
another. As late as 1972, the Montreal, Canada Crime
Commission had issued a report naming Mitchell Bronfman
as a crime partner of one of the city's biggest gangsters,
Willy Obront. The pair were implicated in dope
smuggling. Willy and Mitchell owned a nightspot in the middle of Meyer Lansky's turf in North Miami called the
Pagoda North, which was a favorite hangout for Vito
Genovese and other big-time hoodlums.
Edgar Bronfman, for his part, sought out some very
peculiar clientele for his family's whiskey business. In
1986, as the Pollard affair was playing out, one of Edgar
Bronfman's assistants at the World Jewish Congress
(Bronfman had taken over the WJC and turned it into an
international arm of the ADL, on whose National Commission
he sits) established ties to the brutal Communist
regime in East Germany. Bronfman's Seagram's was made
the exclusive distributor of booze to East Germany's
ruling SED (Communist Party).
In 1988, Edgar Bronfman himself traveled to East
Berlin where he was the guest of honor of SED boss Erich
Honecker and top party official Hermann Axen. On that
trip, Bronfman vowed that he would personally arrange
for the East German leader to make a state visit to Washington,
D.C. to meet with President Ronald Reagan.
Even one year later, with the Berlin Wall and East
German Communism about to collapse, Edgar Bronfman
was back in East Germany again, this time promising to
marshal the resources of the World Jewish Congress and
the A.D.L to block the reunification of Germany, which
he dubbed a "sellout of socialism." In return for those
efforts, Bronfman was given the highest civilian award
offered by East Germany, the "People's Friendship Medal
in Gold."
Edgar's brother and business partner Charles was
also a true friend of the Honecker dictatorship. As the
head of the Canadian-East German Friendship Society,
he was able to control all passports and visas between
the two countries.
But there was much more to the Bronfman-East
Germany liaison than a lucrative whiskey contract and a
few medals.
The Palme Affair
On Feb. 28, 1986, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
was assassinated by a lone gunman on the streets of
Stockholm. Just before his assassination, Palme was in
the process of cracking down on Swedish arms dealers
who were funneling guns to the Nicaraguan Contras and
to the Iranian regime. The Iran-Contra scandal had not
yet broken publicly and Palme's probe threatened to
blow the lid on the entire covert program. Curiously,
many of the guns being sold by the Swedes—with the
collusion of Oliver North, CIA chief William Casey and
the Israelis—were coming from East Germany and other
Soviet bloc states.
Was Palme in the process of unearthing a cynical
East-West collusion, an even nastier reality buried beneath
the then-unknown Irangate scandal? Had he inadvertently
stumbled onto the trail of the ADL's own
involvement in this demimonde of gun and drug dealing?
The answer to that question was at least implicitly
given within days of the Palme assassination, when the
A.D.L joined with the K.G.B and the East German Stasi
(state security service) in an effort to blame the Palme
murder on Swedish associates of Lyndon LaRouche. A.D.L
Fact Finding Division chief Irwin Suall, himself an Oxford
University-trained active member of the Socialist International,
personally flew to Stockholm to fuel the disinformation
campaign linking LaRouche to the Palme
Soviet Ambassador Boris Pankin, a major general in the KGB who specialized in planting disinformation in
the Western press, directed the Soviet side of the
"LaRouche killed Palme" hoax, while Georgii Arbatov,
the head of the Soviet Academy of Science's U.S.A.-Canada
Institute, added his voice to those accusing
LaRouche. Ultimately, the Soviet government-owned TV
network aired an hour-long "docudrama" elaborating the
LaRouche lie.
The role of Edgar Bronfman's pals in the East German
Stasi in the Palme coverup would not surface until
three years later. However, back in August 1989, the
Stockholm daily newspaper Expressen revealed that
Swedish police had bugged the home of a resident KGB
agent and had audiotape evidence that the man knew at
least 24 hours before Palme's murder that the Prime
Minister would be killed.
The pivotal role of the Stasi in the Palme murder
coverup was first revealed in the Aug. 20-26, 1992 edition
of Journalisten, the magazine of the Swedish Journalists
Association, which published ah interview with a
former top Stasi officer named Herbert Brehmer. In that
interview and in a series of subsequent Swedish nationwide
radio broadcasts, Brehmer confessed that as an
official of Department X (disinformation) of the Stasi, he
had engineered the disinformation campaign blaming
the European Labor Party (ELP), the Scandinavian affiliates
of Lyndon LaRouche, for the Palme murder.
Brehmer told Journalisten:
"At my desk I drew up the outlines of how the E.L.P theory
would be conduit-ed into the Swedish police investigation.
The plan was to have a national Swedish newspaper
receive an anonymous telephone tip-off.... As an alternative, the information would go directly to one of the
special tip-off phones made available by the police. The
content would be along the lines that the caller 'knew
that the ELP had committed the crime.' In addition, he
or she had 'witnessed hectic activity in the ELP headquarters
in the night.' Nothing was really true, but it sounded
well-informed and credible."
Indeed. The 1986 Stasi-manufactured disinformation
was conduited into the U.S. media through the ADL.
NBC-TV ran the story as a leading news item on their
evening news broadcast, interviewing ADL official Suall
as part of their coverage. Ultimately, the US. Justice
Department would use the Palme disinformation to justify
a massive paramilitary police raid against LaRouche's
home and offices of his associates in Leesburg, Va. in
October 1986.
The ADL and the OSI
The "LaRouche killed Palme" hoax was no isolated instance
of Edgar Bronfman and the ADL teaming up with
a Communist secret police agency to target a political
enemy or ply a lucrative business scam. It was standard
operating procedure.
According to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans
and Robert Novak, on Jan. 23, 1989 Bronfman hosted a
secret meeting at his New York City penthouse to forge
what the columnists dubbed a "Jews for grain" deal between
the Soviet Union and Israel. Also present at the
gathering was Dwayne Andreas, the chairman of the Archer
Daniels Midland (ADM) grain cartel, and a longstanding
ally and financial backer of the ADL. The Wall
Street Journal had dubbed Andreas "Gorbachov's closest
pal in the West." At congressional hearings, Andreas identified former ADL National Chairman Ben Epstein as the
man who taught him all he knew about politics.
The Bronfman-Andreas deal was straightforward: In
return for vast quantities of dirt-cheap grain from ADM
and other U.S.-based grain cartels, the Soviet government
would permit the mass exodus of Soviet Jews to Israel.
It was an updated version of the Pollard espionage
affair, in which US. military secrets were swapped for
controlled Soviet Jewish migration to Israel. The invariant in the two efforts was the central role of the ADL[It should be noted here that many of these 'Jews' were soon to find themselves in America and formed what is called by authorities the Russian Mafia DC]
As part of the Bronfman-Andreas deal, the Soviet
KGB teamed up with the A.D.L and Bronfman's World
Jewish Congress (W.J.C) to foment a diplomatic breach
between the Reagan administration and Austrian President
Kurt Waldheim, the former secretary general of the
United Nations, line KGB manufactured and the A.D.L/W.J.C
conduit-ed phony evidence that Waldheim had been
a top Nazi war criminal during World War II. U.S. Attorney
General Ed Meese, still employing the legal services
of A.D.L fellow traveler Leonard Garment, bit on the
forged material and declared Waldheim persona non
grata in the United States.
The purpose of the smear job was to shut down
Austria as a way-station for Soviet Jews coming out into
the West. In the past, once Soviet Jews landed on Austrian
soil, they were granted political refugee status, which
then enabled them to settle in any country of their choosing.
The majority either stayed in Western Europe or
found their way to the United States. Very few went to
Israel voluntarily. With Austria shut down, Bronfman
and Gorbachov worked out alternative routes through
Warsaw Pact states and eventually set up direct flights from the Soviet Union to Israel, to ensure that the Soviet
refugees had no choice as to where they would live.
By the time Bronfman and Andreas forged their
"Jews-for grain" deal with Gorbachov in early 1989, the
A.D.L had just about perfected their use of forged K.G.B
documents to smear the entire Eastern European community
in the United States as closet wartime Nazis.
As early as 1979, the A.D.L had played a pivotal role in
getting legislation through the U.S. Congress establishing
the Office of Special Investigations (O.S.I), a special Nazi hunting
unit inside the Criminal Division of the Justice
Department. A.D.L asset Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman had
sponsored the bill, which effectively stripped naturalized
American citizens of Central European and Ukrainian
descent of their constitutional rights by providing for
automatic denationalization and deportation without due
process, if the O.S.I could produce evidence that they had
been tied to the Nazis during World War II.
And where did the lion's share of this evidence come
from, 40 years after the end of World War II? From the
Soviet archives!
The A.D.L-sponsored O.S.I provided Moscow with a
foot in the door to the American judicial system. For the
first time ever, Soviet documents and witnesses were
given fall standing in U.S. court proceedings, no questions
asked: While a handful of the people targeted by,
the A.D.L-O.S.I may have been low-level Nazi sympathizers
or assets daring the war, many innocent people fell victim
to the K.G.B's sophisticated forgers, courtesy of the
A.D.L and their friends at the Justice Department's O.S.I:
• Karl Linnas, falsely accused of Nazi collaboration,
was stripped of his American citizenship and shipped off to the Soviet Unions where he died in a prison, reportedly
from a heart attack.
• Tscherim Soobzokov, accused of working with
the Nazis in his native Belorussia, beat the O.S.I and even
won a lucrative out-of-court libel suit against the New
York Times. He was then murdered by a Jewish Defense
League bomb attack on his Paterson, N.J. home in 1985.
•Dr. Arthur Rudolph, a celebrated German-American
rocket scientist who contributed greatly to America's
space program, was falsely accused by the A.D.L and
O.S.I of torturing Jews at the Peenemunde research facility
in wartime Germany. Rather than lose his lifetime pension
with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) and throw his family into poverty, he renounced
his U.S. citizenship and returned to West
Germany. After a three-year probe based on the same
evidence passed on by the East German and Soviet authorities
to the O.S.I, West German prosecutors concluded
that there was no evidence against Dr. Rudolph.
•John Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-American retired
auto worker accused of being the Treblinka concentration
camp mass-murderer "Ivan the Terrible," was
stripped of his citizenship and hauled off to Israel to stand
trial. It was the biggest show trial since the proceedings
against Adolph Eichmann, broadcast in its entirety live
on Israeli national television. Demjanjuk was convicted
and sentenced to death by hanging. Through unflagging
efforts by his family and friends, Demjanjuk eventually
gathered evidence showing that the OSI had suppressed
evidence proving that another man had been identified
as the real "Ivan." The case is now pending before both
the Israeli Supreme Court and the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court
of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The ADL's liaison to OSI, Elliot Wells, in a signed
letter to the editors of the Washington Post, demanded
that Demjanjuk not be set free. Using the kind of stilted
logic that would make the KGB blush, Wells argued that
even if Demjanjuk is innocent of the Treblinka charges,
he must be guilty of some other war crimes, and therefore
should be held in custody until new evidence can
be manufactured.
To be
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