Monday, November 14, 2016


The Missing Link in the 
JFK Assassination Conspiracy 
The Israeli Nuclear Arms Link 
to the JFK Assassination Now 
the Subject of Worldwide Discussion . . . 
For ten years Israeli propagandists called Final Judgment author Michael Collins Piper a "liar" and an "anti-Semite" for charging that Israeli intelligence played a role in the JFK assassination conspiracy because of JFK's bitter secret conflict with Israeli Prime Minister David BenGurion over Israel's efforts to build nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Certain self-styled “JFK assassination researchers" scoffed at Piper and refused to address the thesis of his book. 

However, on July 25, 2004, many of Piper's critics were red-faced and silent when Israel's respected Jerusalem Post carried a story headlined: "Vanunu: Israel behind JFK Assassination." The newspaper reported that famed Jewish-born nuclear physicist, Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, recently released after spending 18 years in prison for exposing Israel's covert atomic weapons program—had charged that supporters of Israel's drive for nuclear weapons were involved in the JFK assassination precisely because of JFK's interference with their ambitions. 

The Israeli government dismissed Vanunu's allegations, but what he said received attention in newspapers worldwide, with the notable exception of the United States where one and only one newspaper, mentioned Vanunu's charges and that was American Free Press, the Washington-based weekly that published Final Judgment. However, as widely read Internet writer, Rev. Mark Dankof, put it quite correctly: "The Vanunu-Piper allegations about Israel will not go away."

New Evidence Ties Israel's 
Nuclear Weapons Program to 
The New Orleans Connection 
in the JFK Conspiracy . . . 
As the second printing of the sixth edition of this book went to press, a source with intimate, high-level knowledge about the NUMEC nuclear plant in Pennsylvania that smuggled nuclear materiel to Israel (see Chapter 8) provided documentation to Michael Collins Piper that the family of Edith Rosenwald Stern, a prominent New Orleans Jewish leader, were key financiers behind NUMEC. Mrs. Stern was the closest friend of Clay Shaw, the longtime CIA asset charged by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the JFK conspiracy. Final Judgment had already documented Shaw's ties to Israeli intelligence, so the NUMEC-Stern connection is all the more damning and, with other data, explains why Garrison ultimately concluded there was an Israeli connection behind the conspiracy. And note this: Another NUMEC investor was Pittsburgh's CIA-connected "right wing" billionaire Richard Scaife, whose protege, Joe Farah, a vocal supporter of Israel, promoted a JFK conspiracy book evidently designed to distract attention from Final Judgment. No more need be said. 

The Israeli nuclear weapons 
link to the JFK assassination 
is a reality,a fact of history 
that is not going to go away . . .
"Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people." 
Washington Jewish Week 
October 9, 1997 
"The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program .In Israel and the Bomb, Avner] Cohen demonstrates at length the pressures applied by Kennedy on Ben-Gurion . . . in which Kennedy makes it quite clear to the Israeli prime minister that he will under no circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state. The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option." 
Reuven Pedatzer in the Israeli newspaper,
 Ha'aretz, February 5, 1999, reviewing 
Israel and the Bomb. 
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1998) 

"`Nothing in the universe is coincidence,' Rabbi Meir Yeshurun of the Kabbalah Center in Boca Raton, Florida, told a reporter for The Palm Beach Post. 'Somebody in the Kennedy family did something to open the family to this negative energy, and that has been plaguing the Kennedy's for decades.' According to a story that is told in mystical Jewish circles . . . [JFK's father] Joseph Kennedy . . . returned to the United States aboard an ocean liner that was also carrying Israel Jacobson, a poor Lubavitcher rabbi, and six of his yeshiva students, who were fleeing the Nazis. "A notorious anti-Semite, Kennedy complained to the captain that the bearded, black-clad Jews were upsetting the first class passengers by praying on the Jewish high holy day of Rosh Hashanah . . . In retaliation, or so the story goes, Rabbi Jacobson put a curse on Kennedy, damning him and all his male offspring to tragic fates. “ . . . It is a curious fact that the very same people who scoff at the concept of Kismet, or fate, find it difficult to dismiss the concept of curses . . . [The Kennedy family] made the fatal mistake of thinking of themselves as divine."
 Edward Klein, former Editor-in-Chief 
of The New York Times Magazine, 
writing in the opening pages of The 
Kennedy Curse (New York, St. Martin's Press, 2003)
MOTIVES . . . 
"It is interesting—but not surprising—to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned. And yet a Mossad motive is obvious. On this question, as on almost all others, American reporters and commentators cannot bring themselves to cast Israel in an unfavorable light— despite the obvious fact that Mossad complicity is as plausible as any of the other theories." 
Former Rep. Paul Findley (R-I11.), in 
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 1992. 

ORIGINS . . . ". . . 
The Israeli origin should be totally covered while attention should be shifted to any other possible factor . . 
" Benjamin Givli, head of Israeli military intelligence,
outlining an Israeli terror campaign to be blamed 
upon Muslim extremists. Documented 
during the inquiry into Israel's "Lavon Affair." 

"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement." 
Andrew Cockburn on C-SPAN'S Booknotes,
 September 1, 1991. 

"While the [JFK assassination] researchers have involved themselves in consuming preoccupation with the micro analytic searching for facts of how the assassination was accomplished, there has been almost no systematic thinking on why President Kennedy was killed." 
JFK researcher Vincent Salandria quoted 
by Daniel Brandt of NameBase NewsLine report, 
January-March 1994.
"There has been a lot of misinformation poured out . . . It is time for people to look in different directions. I don't really care who did it. I just want Lee to be exonerated if he is not the guilty party." 
Marina Oswald, in Dick Russell's 
The Man Who Knew Too Much.

"There is a type of optical illusion known in its more pretentious manifestations as 'camouflage art.' These are paintings, generally of wilderness landscapes, that, viewed up close, look like simple picturesque scenes—a mountain lake with a snow-covered slope reflected on its surface, a field of wildflowers, a forest of birch trees. Take a few steps back, however, and the picture changes. The mirrored rock assumes the shape of an eagle in flight, the flowers form themselves into a rearing stallion, the boles of the birch trees become the profile of an Apache warrior. The myriad details resolve themselves into a single, unmistakable image, previously hidden from sight, but only when they are seen from a distance." 
From Deranged, Harold Schecter's 
study of serial killer Albert Fish.

MIRRORS . . . 
"The overwhelming evidence is that a conspiracy—a big conspiracy containing numerous levels of intrigue—led to the Kennedy assassination. Everywhere you look, there is another hall of mirrors. Over the years . . . it has become virtually impossible to see what the truth is. Where is the wizard, the wicked witch? All of the above, or none of the above . . . What ultimately faces us is a hydra-headed beast, but it is possible to come to grips at least with its claws. Always remembering that the intrinsic nature of this beast is fog and smoke, nevertheless this is not a wholly ambiguous and unknowable world . . ."
From Dick Russell's The 
Man Who Knew Too Much.  

"President Kennedy's assassination was the work of magicians. It was a stage trick, complete with accessories and false mirrors, and when the curtain fell the actors, and even the scenery, disappeared. But the magicians were not illusionists but professionals, artists in their way."
 From Herve Lamarr's Farewell America
Here's what Australian-based JFK
 assassination researchers have to
 say about FINAL JUDGMENT . . . 

MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER MUST BE A GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT. Upon the first release of his book, Final Judgment, a storm of controversy erupted in the United States with certain "pressure groups" trying hard to have the book banned. Since then, Final Judgment has gone through three more printings—and the controversy hasn't abated. 

We here in Australia believe that all theories on the JFK assassination should be heard, no matter whether you agree with them or not. Heck, we even bought and read Gerald Posner's Case Closed, and there isn't a more outlandish theory than his! Trying to get another book banned because you don't agree with it, or it isn't Politically Correct (the greatest censorship drive of the 80's and 90's), is just the kind of thing we fight against. It's just the same as groups such as the FBI and CIA "redacting" lines of text here and there. People in glass theories shouldn't throw books, so to speak. 

So, we here at Probable Cause are proud to review Final Judgment and hope that we never go down the path of the "American Model"—freedom of speech and the First Amendment and all that—yeah, okay, until you start speaking out and stepping on other people's toes. They line you up for a take down. Boy, does Michael Collins Piper know about that! 

Okay, so after that little editorial, what is Final Judgment about? Piper's thesis is that Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, played a key role in the assassination alongside the CIA and organized crime. Throughout his presidency, JFK was involved in an increasingly bitter behind-the-scenes dispute with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion over Israel's steadfast determination to build a nuclear arsenal. JFK wanted them to stop. But they had other ideas. 

Sound far-fetched? Well, actually, you'll be surprised how many well known "J.F.K assassination players" have links to the Mossad and we were quite impressed with the documented evidence within the book. Still, you'll have to read this one for yourself to decide. Piper is under attack from the A.D.L in the U.S. for this book and, really, it's not warranted. Did the French community in the U.S. get upset when it was suggested there was a French connection in the assassination? No. But then again, perhaps they don't have the lobbying power of the A.D.L. 
The Internet Review of Final Judgment 
by the Australia-based JFK assassination group, 
"Probable Cause." The review also gave 
Final Judgment a three star rating—
out of a possible four stars."
[.....]The Myth of Dallas: New Revelations 
As the second printing of the sixth edition of Final Judgment was being readied for press, a detailed 19-page anonymously written document, cited with 115 footnotes, relying on a wide variety of mainstream sources, arrived in the mailbox of Final Judgment author Michael Collins Piper. The document was in an envelope (with no return address) postmarked "Dallas, Texas." Entitled "The Kennedy Assassination and Israel: Some Dallas Connections," the document—apparently the work of a professional journalist—focused on "the specifics of how the Israelis could have influenced the events in Dallas," filling in details never explored in previous editions of Final Judgment. The data is quite explosive, particularly when contrasted with the mythology regarding "Big D" repeated ad infinitum in JFK literature. However, understanding the real Dallas—not the city of legend and of Hollywood drama—prepares one for the revelations laid forth in Final Judgment. 

The document buries the tired old myth that a clique of anti-Semitic White Anglo-Saxon Protestant oil plutocrats ruled Dallas. Instead, the truth is quite the opposite. Not only did Dallas have an immensely powerful Jewish community, but, more importantly, the city (and Texas) had been a major center of fundraising and arms smuggling on behalf of the Zionist cause, going back to the 1940's. Even Jonathan Pollard, the American spy for Israel, said he was inspired to pro-Israel activism by stories he heard (while living in Texas) of gunrunning for the Israeli underground by Jews in Texas. In fact, the official published history of a major Zionist arms smuggling operation, the Sonneborn Institute, reports its agents smuggled aircraft parts out of Texas to Israel. This was happening when a then recently discharged Army Air Corps aircraft mechanic, Jack Ruby, was re-settling in Dallas in 1947, the year prior to Israel's birth, when Sonneborn's activities were at a zenith. Ruby bragged of having run arms to Israel and, in 1963, is now known to have part of an arms smuggling operation overseen by an Israeli intelligence officer. So the Israeli connection to Texas was a lot more intimate than many today ever realized. 

In 1963, JFK's primary interest in Dallas was raising money from the Dallas elite, and that meant the wealthy pro-Israel Jewish Democrats who were major financial angels for the ruling Democratic Party there. And since JFK was, at that time, at loggerheads with Israel over its nuclear arms program, it is critical to recognize how JFK was lured to Dallas and who was in charge of the arrangements that actually facilitated his assassination. And while it is well known that the Dallas leg of JFK's Texas trip was sponsored by the Citizens Council (CC), the elite business group that ruled Dallas, the little-noticed evidence shows that two of the three key figures who dominated the CC were Jewish—not "WASP's," as the legend of Dallas would have it. These were the folks who really ran Dallas, not the conservatives affiliated with the John Birch Society, as the old myth suggests. In 1963, one of those Jewish power brokers was an outspokenly pro-Israel liquor wholesaler, Julius Schepps, who held the distribution rights in Dallas for the Bronfman family's Seagram's products. And as we shall see, there is evidence that Jack Ruby was on the payroll of the Bronfman family, whose fingerprints are to be found all over the JFK assassination conspiracy. 

The means by which the Dallas elite gained control of JFK's Dallas trip agenda is interesting. Since JFK's Dallas trip was officially designated as "non political"—in contrast to other Texas stops such as Houston and Austin which were designated as "political"— the private entities paying for the Dallas trip gained control of the planning (taking it out of the hands of the JFK-controlled Democratic National Committee). The CC designated a "host committee." The chairman was Dallas Jewish leader and public relations man, Sam Bloom, the CC's longtime executive director, and—in retrospect—one of the least known but most pivotal figures in world history. 

There was an immediate confrontation between Bloom, representing the Dallas elite, and Jerry Bruno, JFK's veteran advance man. Bruno wanted the president to speak at the Women's Building, but the rulers of Dallas insisted JFK speak at the Trade Mart. Although Bruno fought long and hard, after much pressure, the Dallas elite prevailed, causing the JFK loyalist to comment that "this was one of the few fights like this that I had lost. On things like this my judgment was usually taken. This time it wasn't." 

By forcing JFK to speak at the Trade Mart, the Dallas elite positioned the JFK motorcade to take the now-infamous "dog-leg" turn into what was a classically sniper friendly "kill zone" on Elm Street just below the Texas School Book Depository (T.S.B.D), from where it later was claimed the alleged assassin, T.S.B.D employee Lee Harvey Oswald, fired the fatal shots. The spot was also in easy range of the "grassy knoll" and the nearby Dal-Tex Building, where assassination researchers believe snipers were located. Had JFK's advance man prevailed—as he usually did—JFK (on his way to the preferred location) would have traveled two blocks farther away from the T.S.B.D—out of the kill zone—at a greater speed. 

Although the Secret Service objected (for security reasons) to the publication of JFK's motorcade route, Bloom (the point man for the Dallas elite) nonetheless made sure a map of the route was repeatedly published in Dallas papers. Thus, later, when the "patsy" was in custody, there was a plausible explanation as to how he knew JFK would pass by his workplace. 

That an assassin quite probably fired on JFK from the Dal-Tex Building is most relevant in the context of an Israeli connection. Co-owned by David Weisblat, a major financial backer of the Israeli lobby's Anti-Defamation League, Dal-Tex housed, on different floors, a number of firms that utilized the telephone number of Morty Freedman, an attorney, garment manufacturer, and activist in Jewish affairs. Since JFK was working to stop Israel's nuclear arms program—which received smuggled uranium from U.S. sources—it is notable that one Dal-Tex firm linked to Freedman was the Dallas Uranium & Oil Company. It is also intriguing that one of Freedman's Dal-Tex business partners was Abe Zapruder, the Jewish dress manufacturer who filmed the assassination and profited immensely. Today there are some who now believe Zapruder had advance knowledge of the assassination. 

Once the accused assassin was in custody, it was—you guessed it—Sam Bloom, who had earlier maneuvered JFK into the kill zone, who pressured Elgin Crull, the city manager, to in turn pressure Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry into making Oswald accessible to the press and to move him publicly from the Dallas police station to the city jail. Thus, the situation was in place for Jack Ruby to move in for the kill. There are several sources, including Dallas FBI agent James Hosty, who stated Bloom and his backers were the forces behind this. When the police searched Ruby's home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it. 

So it is that the Dallas myth comes to an end. This will be painful for those who thought the city an anti-Jewish stronghold, ripe for Nazi revolution. Instead, Dallas was actually an outpost for the advancement of the interests of Israel and today it very much remains so. 

Although Walt Brown suggested in Treachery in Dallas that the city's elite were prime movers behind the events of November 22, 1963, he rushed to write elsewhere that the JFK assassination "wasn't done by Mossad . . . as some would have us believe" (referring to Final Judgment). However, in light of the "Big Picture of Big D"— details Brown ignored (or suppressed) in terms of their ultimate (and critical) context— it's time for real JFK assassination truth seekers to take a new look at Final Judgment.

An Introduction 
by Robert L. Brock 
A Black American's Perspective on 
the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
As an American of African slave descent, as a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and as a long-time laborer within the African-American community, I have a special interest in finding out precisely who killed President John F. Kennedy and why. 

John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, put a great deal on the line when they stepped forward and identified themselves with the cause of justice for Blacks in America. To be sure, Jack and Bobby were savvy politicians, conscious of the growing and increasingly influential Black voting bloc in America. Thus, for reasons of their own, they had made a conscious decision to align themselves politically with Americans of African slave descent. However, at the same time Jack and Bobby also truly believed that it was time that the Black man and Black woman in America deserved an even break. 

Through their words and—more significantly—through their actions, the Kennedy brothers were bringing a previously-disenfranchised people under the protection of the Kennedy dynasty. Had John Kennedy lived and been elected to a second term, the Black voting bloc—for years to come—would have ultimately become part of a Kennedy political powerhouse. 

Throughout the 20th century the Black political apparatus in America was dominated at the highest levels—particularly in the all-important financial realm—by Jewish influence. Organizations such as the AntiDefamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, one of the foremost elements in the powerful Israeli lobby, aggressively dictated the internal affairs and the public course and discourse of what were ostensibly "Black"—or, in the parlance of the day, "Negro"—civil rights organizations. 

However, with the advent of the Kennedy presidency, Americans of African slave descent now had an effective and eloquent spokesman in the White House itself. This essentially had the effect of moving the ADL, for example, out of the loop. The ADL was no longer the "middleman" divvying up the civil rights crumbs for Blacks in America. 

John F. Kennedy, for all intents and purposes, had emerged as a white "mainstream" voice for Black America's political empowerment. As President of the United States, speaking out on behalf of Black concerns, John F. Kennedy short-circuited the long-time domination of the Black community by Jewish financial interests and placed himself in the center of the civil rights debate. The ADL and other "civil rights" organizations funded by the Jewish financial interests were pushed aside and made irrelevant. A white man of Irish Catholic descent—the grandson of a saloon keeper—became Black America's unlikely spokesman and co-opted the Jewish overseers of the civil rights movement in America.

As a consequence, I do believe—as do many other Americans of African slave descent—that this is one of the reasons that the powers-thatbe within America's plutocratic elite determined that John F. Kennedy's presidency had to be brought to premature closure. 

What's more, all of this came at a time when independent Black voices such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were themselves rising in popularity and influence—much, it seems, to the dismay of the Jewish community. We now know that although we have heard much in the media about J. Edgar Hoover's war on Dr. King, it was the ADL that was providing the foot soldiers for this war—a fact that the ADL would much prefer be kept under wraps. A former ADL official has admitted (and as Michael Collins Piper documents in Final Judgment) it was the ADL that was actually doing much of the surveillance of Dr. King, the illicit fruits of which, in turn, were channeled by the ADL to J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. 

Dr. King and Malcolm X and others knew the way of the Black ghetto. They understood how Black America was being manipulated. They knew how the drug and gambling and prostitution rackets of Meyer Lansky—a major ADL contributor—were eviscerating Black America. They dared to speak out. For that, both Martin and Malcolm ultimately paid the price. 

When all is said and done, there's no question in my mind that we will find that those who slew those dreamers were also behind the murder of John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby. This is why I take great pleasure in penning this brief introduction to Michael Collins Piper's remarkable book. I believe that Final Judgment provides the answer to the mystery of who really killed John F. Kennedy—and why. 

I will say this for the record: I have nothing but contempt for those cowardly white liberals who portray themselves as admirers of JFK's stand on civil rights and say that they want to find the real murderers of President Kennedy but who otherwise ignore or suppress the facts put forth in Final Judgment. They are frauds and phonies. They are afraid of the truth. They are profiteers who are trading on the death of President Kennedy but covering up all of the facts that are there before them. 

There is no other book ever written that explains the JFK assassination conspiracy so honestly or which makes everything about the JFK assassination conspiracy so crystal clear. Once you've read Final Judgment you'll understand the big picture. 

Michael Collins Piper has stepped right up into the footlights of center stage and, like one of those great Broadway impresarios, Piper has presented a spell-binding scenario outlining the entirety of the JFK assassination conspiracy more powerful and more convincing than any before. I think you'll agree. 
The Self -Determination Committee

”The Other Side of the Jigsaw Puzzle” 
A Foreword by the Author . . . 
On August 21, 1997 a front-page article appeared in the Los Angeles Times describing an uproar in Southern California that erupted over my impending lecture at a community college seminar on the JFK assassination. The seminar was being held under the auspices of the South Orange County Community College District. Although four speakers were scheduled, it was my expected presence—my presence alone—that created the controversy. The Anti-Defamation League (A.D.L) of B'nai B'rith was (not surprisingly) upset that I contend in this book, Final Judgment, that Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad, played a front-line role in the JFK assassination alongside the CIA and the Lansky Crime Syndicate. 

The Times reported that the A.D.L accused yours truly "of being a proponent of Holocaust denial and labels his claim that Israelis killed Kennedy ridiculous." The A.D.L failed to cite any evidence of my being a "proponent of Holocaust denial," but evidently the A.D.L considers that the ultimate kiss of death and that such accusations are fair game when trying to silence anyone who runs afoul of its agenda. 

That the A.D.L presumes to label my charge of Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination as being "ridiculous" is downright laughable. Inasmuch as the A.D.L not only functions as a major force in the Israeli lobby in the United States, but is also an intelligence and propaganda arm of the Mossad, it seems unlikely the ADL would ever endorse my thesis. 

In any case, as a direct result of intense and highly hysterical clamor by the A.D.L, the JFK seminar was canceled, although college officials and others said publicly and forthrightly that they were concerned about the implications and consequences of the A.D.L's heavy-handed pressure campaign to restrict freedom of speech, particularly in an academic forum. 

Nonetheless, news reports about the affair appeared in newspapers nationwide, even including a Newsweek commentary by George Will, a strident supporter of Israel. 

So, as a consequence, I'm pleased to say, there was a positive side to all of this. Now—for the first time since Final Judgment was published in 1994— readers of "mainstream newspapers" across America have been told that there is a theory floating around out there that Israel's Mossad was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 

As I told the Los Angeles Times and which was quoted in a second article on August 22: "The Anti-Defamation League has not heard the last of Final Judgment. The door has been kicked open. There is now going to be a lot of debate about this book" —whether the A.D.L likes it or not. 

Although the Los Angeles Times reporter, Michael Granberry, made some attempt to present my views, I do feel compelled, however, to comment on various aspects of the Los Angeles Times article, inasmuch as the whole story behind the article needs to be told.

The Times quoted one Gerald Posner, the author of Case Closed, as an authority on JFK conspiracies. The fact is that Posner has been widely reviled by serious longtime JFK assassination researchers for having written Case Closed which claims that the Warren Commission Report was correct (despite some flaws) and that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. 

The cosmopolitan Mr. Posner was said to be "aghast" that the seminar was scheduled and said "This strikes me as being similar to the notion that the Holocaust was a hoax." This happens to be precisely the propaganda line now promoted by the A.D.L which has said that if people believe there was a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination, they might also end up believing that there was no Holocaust. 

A.D.L National Director Abe Foxman, writing in Antisemitism in America Today: Outspoken Experts Explode the Myths, stated forthrightly: 

"If segments of the population are really willing to believe that President Kennedy was killed by the military-industrial complex because he was too soft on Communism . . . then it is not hard to imagine some of these same people falling for the lies of Bradley Smith or the fabrications of Louis Farrakhan and Leonard Jeffries. 

"All of these conspiracy theories share the core feature that the `research' which supports them—little more, in fact, than a compendium of anecdotes divorced from their original context—is rigged to arrive at predetermined conclusions, not historical revelations or insights." 

The aforementioned Smith, by the way, promotes the view, held even by so-called "mainstream" JFK assassination researcher Jim Marrs, that the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust has been over-stated. 

Farrakhan and Jeffries, of course, are outspoken Black figures who have documented a major Jewish role in the slave trade and have given the ADL much distress. 

In short, if you believe in any JFK assassination conspiracy theory, you might actually believe something else about another matter—such as the Holocaust or the slave trade—that the ADL doesn't want you to believe. 

But back to the A.D.L's friend, Posner. In fact, Posner's book is little more than a rehash of the original Warren Commission Report supplemented with an offensive mish-mash of virulent attacks on not only a number of JFK investigators but also citizens who came forth with credible evidence pointing toward a conspiracy behind the assassination of the president. But just who is Posner anyway? Why has he emerged as a sort of fair-haired boy for the A.D.L and the other critics of Final Judgment (and JFK conspiracy theories in general)? 

The aforementioned Jim Marrs, the author of Crossfire, a popular compendium of JFK conspiracy theories, has been fiercely critical of Posner and he's been pretty public in those criticisms and he has his own opinions (worth citing) about where Posner is coming from. 

In the fall 1995 issue of Paranoia magazine, an expose of Posner reveals that Posner had privately admitted to Marrs that Bob Loomis, an executive at Random House, had approached Posner asking him to write a book on the JFK assassination, promising Posner that the CIA would open its own JFK assassination files to Posner so that he could write the book.

As a consequence, Marrs has condemned Posner as a CIA front man. Why did Loomis ask Posner—out of all of the authors in the world—to write the book? According to Marrs: "Probably because Posner had been used as a CIA tool in his earlier book, Hitler's Children. In this book he interviewed the children of top Nazi leaders. How do you go about doing that? How do you find who they are? They've all changed their names. How do you locate them? Posner had to have been set up by the CIA for that book, too," says Marrs. 

Marrs is rightly upset by the way the mainstream media promoted Posner's book on the 30th anniversary of the JFK assassination. It was then obvious (as it is today) that the media does want the public to believe that the JFK affair is a "case closed." What is notable is that by far the biggest media push for Posner's book came in the August 30th 1993 issue of U.S. News & World Report, which gave the book a widely-advertised cover story. I'll probably upset some people by pointing out that U.S. News is owned by Mort Zuckerman, one of the most outspoken and powerful figures in the Israeli lobby in America. 

In an appendix in this edition of Final Judgment, I have analyzed Posner's book and showed precisely what a pathetic fraud it is. However, for those interested in a comprehensive critique of Posner, I would heartily recommend Case Open by veteran JFK researcher Harold Weisberg. 

So much for Gerald Posner. Although he's not a reliable source (obviously), the Los Angeles Times took great delight in citing his critique of Final Judgment which Posner, the Times said, considers one of the more "outlandish" theories presented to date. 

The Los Angeles Times also quoted one Chip Berlet, whom it described as one "who has studied the assassination extensively," and as a "senior analyst" at a "think tank . . . that examines authoritarian thinking." Berlet said that my views represented "the outer limits." 

First of all, I am not aware of anything Berlet has ever written on the JFK assassination (other than random attacks on other JFK conspiracy theorists) so I know of no published evidence of his "extensive study." This in stark contrast to what was, at that time, the 385-page third edition of Final Judgment which was documented with 746 footnotes. 

Furthermore, the so-called "think tank" that employs Berlet has its own axes to grind. The Times failed to point this out when presenting Berlet as some sort of objective "analyst." What the Times also failed to mention is that Berlet's "think tank" has been funded by at least two known CIA front companies. So we can see, even now, where Berlet is coming from. 

At this juncture I should also note that prominent "New Left" activists of the 1960's such as (the since-deceased) Ace Hayes, publisher of the Portland Free Press, and Daniel Brandt of the NameBase NewsLine newsletter, had long kept a close watch on Berlet and concluded that:

1) There is no question that Berlet has collaborated closely with the A.D.L to the point that they consider him little more than a "shill" for the A.D.L and at worst, possibly one of its paid operatives; and 

2) Berlet himself may also have covert connections to the CIA, including involvement with a CIA-financed "student" group of the 1960's.

There are others who have pointed out that despite his preppy nickname, Berlet's real name is John Foster Berlet. He was named after former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who was apparently associated with Berlet's father. Dulles' brother, Allen, of course, was not only fired as CIA director by JFK but later went on to serve as a member of the Warren Commission which covered up the truth about the assassination. 

So inasmuch as Final Judgment indicts the CIA for collaborating with the Mossad in the JFK assassination we can understand why Berlet (and Posner) are eager to keep Final Judgment under wraps. Obviously, the ADL directed the Los Angeles Times to both Posner and Berlet, knowing that the two CIA-connected "authorities" would come through as they did. 

The Times also quoted Roy Bauer, a philosophy instructor, at the Irvine Valley College, as referring to me (and the other scheduled speakers at the conference) as "crackpots." (It was Bauer, it seems, who originally called the ADL to complain about my impending presence at the seminar.) 

I am certain Bauer never read my book, so for him to accuse me of being a "crackpot" is malicious and baseless name-calling of the worst sort. What's more, although I am not familiar with the "philosophy" espoused in the classroom by the good professor it is clearly not a philosophy in line with the American tradition of freedom of speech. 

I made repeated efforts to contact Bauer to speak to him directly but he refused to return my calls. When I finally did reach Bauer, he told me that he had been "advised" not to speak with me and promptly hung up. This advice, I'm sure, came directly from Bauer's friends at the A.D.L. For years the A.D.L has maintained a policy of "refusing to debate" those it otherwise so feverishly attacks through the press. The anguished Bauer, evidently was comfortable throwing brickbats from afar and by calling in the "thought police" at the A.D.L, but he didn't have the fortitude to confront me directly. 

The Los Angeles Times also reported, incidentally, that college trustee Steve Frogue, the sponsor of the ill-fated college seminar, had claimed some time ago that "the A.D.L was behind" the Kennedy assassination. Frogue did not say this. What Frogue, in fact, said was that there was evidence (clearly documented in Final Judgment) that it was possible that Lee Harvey Oswald's strange activities in New Orleans were part of one of the A.D.L's famous (or infamous) "fact finding" operations. 

The Times reporter (perhaps) misunderstood Frogue's remarks about the A.D.L's connection to Oswald, but now that misinterpretation has been reported again and again and has taken on a life of its own. But Frogue didn't say what he was alleged to have said. However, in Final Judgment Oswald's (surprising) A.D.L connection(s) are examined for the first time. 

Poor Mr. Frogue. As a young admirer of JFK, Frogue was preparing to join the Peace Corps, inspired by Kennedy's New Frontier. Upon the death of the president, however, Frogue was so frustrated and disillusioned that he instead joined the Marine Corps. A high school teacher and community leader (and a part-time student of JFK conspiracy theories) Frogue thought that an academic forum—through the auspices of the South Orange County Community College District (of which he was elected president)—would be an ideal way to debate the theory presented in Final Judgment, along with other competing theories—including one that "The Nazis Killed JFK."

But the ADL thought otherwise. They had no desire to allow college students and other interested participants to even hear what I had to say. They considered the thesis of Final Judgment so dangerous that they did all in their immense power to prevent me from being heard. Thus, Steve Frogue's project was scuttled through a smear campaign against me and against this decent man that he probably never imagined possible. 

The Los Angeles Times did correctly report my comment that JFK was involved in a fierce battle with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion over Israel's efforts to build a nuclear arsenal. The young reporter, Mike Granberry, had asked me specifically (and it was a good question, needless to say): "My editors want to know why you think that Israel would be opposed to John F. Kennedy?" So I told him and he reported my response. 

What the Times did not report was that I had additionally noted that upon JFK's death U.S. policy toward Israel under Lyndon Johnson did a complete and immediate 180-degree turnabout and that—most importantly— Israel's nuclear bomb program went forward unimpeded. 

As I told the Times (but which was not reported): "Although there is some debate about whether or not the U.S. would have remained involved in Vietnam had JFK lived, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever about the drastic reversal in U.S. Middle East policy from which Israel was the prime beneficiary." I pointed out to the Times that four prominent authors, Seymour Hersh, Stephen Green and Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, wrote extensively about JFK's policy toward Israel and that I relied almost exclusively upon their findings. 

I did not say, as the Times further reported, that I disputed the much reported figure that "six million Jews" died at the hands of the Nazis, nor did I ever once allude to claims that the figure is actually much lower. What I said was this: "First of all, my book is about the JFK assassination. It has nothing to do with the Holocaust. The JFK assassination took place in 1963. The Holocaust ended in 1945. My views on what did or did not take place during the Holocaust have nothing to do with my book on the JFK assassination. It is another subject altogether. 

"As far as the numbers are concerned," I pointed out, "I have heard the figure of Six Million all of my life. You can't turn around without reading something about it in the press all of the time. However," I added, "in recent years, some Jewish historians have claimed that the figure is as high as seven million or even eight million. So I don't know what the figure is." 

(For an example of such a claim that the figure may be as high as seven million, see the ever-august Washington Post of November 20, 1996, the issue of the highly reputable Jerusalem Post for the week ending November 23, 1996 and the May 23-May 30, 1997 edition of the New York-based Jewish Press—all of which are considered quite "responsible" by the A.D.L.) 

At no time did I ever suggest to the Los Angeles Times that I believed, as the Times falsely reported, "that no Jews were killed in gas chambers." This was literary license on the part of the reporter who presumed that these were my views based upon what the A.D.L had already (falsely) told him my views happened to be on this irrelevant issue.

Despite all this, of course, my JFK book had nothing to do with the Holocaust, the A.D.L's false and malicious rantings notwithstanding. 

And it's probably worth noting that a handful of characters who are self-styled Holocaust revisionists—"Holocaust deniers" in the parlance of the A.D.L—have not only tried to stop distribution of Final Judgment and discredit it, but these same intriguers successfully sabotaged a pending Russian-language translation of the book! So much, then, for this nonsense about "the Holocaust." 

Frankly, I doubt very much that if I happened to be "pro-choice" on the issue of abortion that the Catholic Church would have, on that basis, launched a major smear campaign to stop me from speaking on the unrelated subject of the JFK assassination. So therefore, again, we have to wonder precisely why the A.D.L was so adamantly opposed to my lecture being heard and then dragged in the irrelevant issue of "the Holocaust." The answer is obvious. When all is said and done, the A.D.L's hysterical reaction to Final Judgment validates the thesis of this book. It's that simple. 

The Los Angeles Times made reference to another proposed speaker at the scuttled seminar, John Judge, and pointed out that he was known for his adherence to "the conspiracies theories of the late New Orleans Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison" and that "those theories had no anti-Semitic overtones." 

What is interesting to note is that Judge refused to permit me to speak at a JFK conference that he organized here in Washington in October of 1996. The diplomatic excuse at the time (in the words of Judge's associate, Philip Melanson) was that the program at that conference was "attempting to focus on evidentiary issues and questions rather than broad historical themes and theories." However, Judge's associates told one attendee, who asked why Final Judgment wasn't on display at that conference: "Neither Michael Collins Piper nor his book are welcome here." Ultimately, when Judge's name was linked with mine in press reports, Judge rushed off a letter to the Orange County Register to assure its readers that he and his colleagues would certainly not have anything to do with an extremist like me. Yet, even Judge is in the soup as far as the ADL is concerned: after all, Judge, too, believes in a conspiracy theory—and that's baaaaad! 

Thus, I find it quite amusing that Judge has now been labeled a "crackpot" alongside me. Likewise with another individual who was scheduled to speak at the seminar in California—one Dave Emory—who contends the Nazis were behind JFK's assassination. I won't burden the reader with commentary here on that peculiar notion, although in Chapter 15 of Final Judgment I do provide some interesting information about Emory's so-called "Nazi connection" which proves it was anything but that.

In fact, the thesis presented in Final Judgment, if anything, vindicates Jim Garrison's indictment of Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. Garrison first pinpointed the role of Clay Shaw in the conspiracy and, in Chapter 15, Shaw's Israeli connections are outlined in sharp detail. However, I must say that the theory presented in Final Judgment does not hinge on Clay Shaw. With or without Shaw there is firm evidence in many, many other areas that points in the direction of Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination. However, Shaw's complicity in the conspiracy simply brings things full circle, as you'll see. 

As far as the suggestion by the Times that my thesis has "anti-Semitic overtones," I will say this: I don't think the book is "anti-Israel" or "anti Semitic." Period. To criticize the actions of Israel and its lobby in this country is not "anti-Semitic" and common-sense people who have no fanatical religious or political axes to grind realize this. 

One reviewer, Kenn Thomas, in his conspiracy theory journal, Steamshovel Press, commented that "the book cannot be read without trying to identify the fine line of an anti-Israel/anti-Zionist critique with old fashioned  Antisemitism." I think that's nonsense. However, to be perfectly honest, I have to think that Thomas made that remark (in the context of a grudgingly friendly review) simply in hopes of avoiding being called an "anti-Semite" himself for suggesting (as he did) that the reader could learn a great deal about JFK's little-known behind-the-scenes struggle with Israel by reading the book. You see, there are a lot of cowards out there among self-styled conspiracy researchers: "Mossad involvement? Oh no!" they cry, and then add, whispering among themselves: "But, if there was, by all means don't say it. We'll be discredited in our research." Poor folks. 

Israel, in my view, is just another foreign country and doesn't deserve any special treatment any more than Ireland or Iceland. However, there is a very strong pro-Israel lobby in America (which includes some of its strongest backers such very Christian men as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson) and as a consequence, Israel has immense power over U.S. foreign policy making. Because of that "special relationship" Israel does occupy a unique position that has put Israel right there in the line of fire to be pummeled with criticism. Israel is not above reproach and because it wishes to exert its influence it must expect to be criticized. 

I firmly believe that the Mossad had a hand in the assassination of JFK and that Israel must be held accountable for its actions. It's that simple. If there was evidence that Arabs had a hand in the JFK assassination, they, too, would have to be held accountable. However, the evidence does not point in the direction of the Arabs. 

At any rate, I do have the right under our good old-fashioned American Constitution (at least at the present) to make my views heard. If someone (wrongly) construes those views to be "anti-Israel" or "anti-Semitic" that is also their right. But being opposed to the misdeeds of Israel is not being "anti-Semitic," no matter what the A.D.L says. However, in any event, I don't frankly care what the A.D.L thinks.

The evidence presented in Final Judgment stands on its own, no matter what the name-callers at the A.D.L and their assorted shills might say. Anyone who contends that I believe the JFK assassination was a "Jewish plot" is a liar or a fool or both—or illiterate, at the least. 

Despite all this, as I've said, the frenzy over the college seminar brought an amazing amount of fully-unexpected publicity to the thesis presented in Final Judgment. 

Of some 27 different news accounts of the controversy that came to my attention in the days following the initial Los Angeles Times article, fully 21 of those subsequent accounts (based on the Times' report and on coverage by the Associated Press) said specifically that the seminar featured a speaker who contended that the Mossad had a hand in the president's murder. Most of the references, in fact, actually appeared in the opening paragraphs of the articles in question. 

Not all of the accounts mentioned Final Judgment by name—although many did—but the thesis herein was definitively referenced and no doubt surprised those who had never heard of the theory before. 

Some of the headlines on the articles themselves were quite forthright: "Speakers say Kennedy killed by Israeli plot" read the article in the Bryan College Station Eagle out of Texas. "Guest speaker claims Israel masterminded the killing" announced a sub-headline in the Miami Herald. "Class lecturers blame JFK death on Israelis," reported the Chicago SunTimes. "Community college speakers blame JFK death on Israel," declared the Birmingham News. The Pasadena Star-News, in announcing that an "uproar" had forced the cancellation of the seminar, added (falsely) that "One panelist said Jews behind death of JFK." 

And so it went—all across the country. In the end, what is so ironic is that if the A.D.L had just ignored the seminar, the role of Israel's Mossad in the JFK assassination might never have received the widespread national exposure in the daily press that it at long last has. 

Ironically, Michael Granberry, the young man who covered the story for the Los Angeles Times—and whose byline appeared in many of the stories across the country—left his post shortly after his story appeared. Did Granberry pay the price for telling too much about the thesis of Final Judgment to his readers? I don't know, but it's something to think about. 

To his credit, noted commentator Nat Hentoff, who writes a widely read column on First Amendment issues, weighed in on the controversy. Hentoff wrote: "There is no academic freedom unless one has the freedom to speak about any idea no matter how offensive or disgusting" (the suggestion being, obviously, that my thesis is "disgusting" by the very nature of the fact that I have said something less than friendly toward Israel—a unique re-definition of the word "disgusting" indeed!). 

Hentoff's comments were featured in a report entitled "Free speech in academe under fire" published by the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. It turns out that none other than Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late president, is a member of the center's advisory board.

So evidently Caroline has probably heard about Final Judgment—as have several members of her family and possibly her late brother, as we will see. 

In any case, as a direct consequence of its hysterical (and successful) effort to prevent me from appearing at the seminar in Orange County, the A.D.L suffered a historic (and much-deserved) "double-whammy" within eight days time, stemming directly from the controversy. 

First of all, on October 12, 1997 the Orange County Register, the biggest daily newspaper in one of the most densely populated metropolitan regions in the country, published a lengthy commentary in which I responded to the A.D.L's attacks and outlined the thesis of the book. 

This was the first time since Final Judgment was published in January of 1994 that any "mainstream" newspaper gave any substantial publicity of any kind to the allegations made in the book. 

Although a flimsy attempt at a "rebuttal" by an A.D.L spokesman, Bruno Medwin, was published in conjunction with my commentary, the A.D.L's lame response never once attempted to refute any of my specific allegations. The A.D.L commentary actually misled readers by suggesting that the A.D.L believes that "mainstream" theories about a possible JFK assassination conspiracy have a right to be heard. 

In fact, as noted previously, A.D.L national director Abe Foxman had said elsewhere that any theory of any kind relating to the assassination is potentially dangerous and has no basis in fact. Evidently, the A.D.L is ready to shift its position, depending upon the audience—which, of course, says a lot about the basic dishonesty of the A.D.L to begin with. 

Then, just one week later—on October 20, 1997—the A.D.L suffered an even more critical blow. At a meeting of the South Orange County Community College District (SOCCCD) Board of Trustees, the board's president, Steven Frogue—who had invited me to the JFK seminar in Orange County—was re-elected by a 4-3 vote, much to the ADL's dismay. 

Although the A.D.L clamored for Frogue's head and sent its supporters to lobby for his resignation from the board—or his forced removal—that effort failed. Then, another board member, Marcia Milchiker—herself a member of the local A.D.L chapter's board of advisers—introduced a resolution for Frogue's ouster, but her scheme fell flat. 

The failed attempt to punish Frogue came following a raucous crowded public meeting in which some forty people from the general public were permitted to speak and most of them—average citizens, teachers, students and others—rose in Frogue's defense, publicly defying the A.D.L even though A.D.L operatives were on hand taking photographs of the meeting's participants. "This is thought control," said one speaker, James Scott, denouncing the A.D.L campaign, saying (to much applause) that "the buck is stopping here tonight." 

When the A.D.L's Marcia Milchiker saw that there was such a genuine grassroots outcry against her effort to dislodge Frogue—as opposed to the orchestrated campaign by the A.D.L—Milchiker could only respond in a rambling, disjointed and rather pathetic fashion that led to other board members asking that she cut her remarks short.

Describing her "research" into the origins of Final Judgment and citing her so-called findings, Milchiker, at one point, referred to me as "William Collins Piper," showing precisely how adequate her research really is. Milchiker called herself a "scientist" (and is thus presumably able to read) but she didn't respond when an Orange County taxpayer angrily called out, asking her "Did you read the book?" when Milchiker was attempting to explain (without any documentation whatsoever) why Final Judgment simply could not be believed. 

Rolling into the meeting, Milchiker had been confident that Frogue was on his way out. What a surprise she had in store. Ultimately, Milchiker claimed the theory in Final Judgment was "scientifically unprovable" and "outrageous" and "preposterous" but didn't demonstrate why. Nor could she. In the end, another board member, Dorothy Fortune, speaking in Frogue's defense, publicly accused Milchiker—who is Jewish—of "playing the religion card for political gain." So Frogue was re-elected. 

Yet, the ADL had another card up its sleeve. Using a retired minister, Buckner Coe, as its front man, the ADL orchestrated a recall drive against Frogue. Although the effort failed to gather the required signatures of 35,000 college district voters by March of 1998, an "anonymous" source came up with a $10,000 donation and the recall drive was reinvigorated 

At that juncture, the ADL attempted to forge a "united front" against Frogue, roping a variety of special interest groups, including Asian/American, Latino, Black and homosexual rights activists into backing the recall. Although that gimmick likewise failed to generate any further interest, the ADL refused to give up and called on a host of prominent Southern California politicians including two GOP members of Congress— Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Christopher Cox—to demand Frogue's ouster. Along with other Republican functionaries, the two lawmakers joined with Democratic Party hacks to dip into their own campaign slush accounts to help finance the ADL campaign to dislodge Frogue, generating some $40,000 at a much-ballyhooed fund-raiser. 

One Orange County resident, George Kadar, who formed an ad hoc committee to rally support for Frogue was also subjected to media attacks. In one instance, a newspaper reporter proclaimed that Kadar was, according to the ADL, also "anti-immigrant" only to learn to her embarrassment that Kadar was himself an immigrant who had fled the very communist "thought police" of Eastern Europe whose tactics were being mimicked so well—echoed in Orange County by the ADL and its allies. 

In the midst of the anti-Frogue petition drive, one ADL member, Harriet Walther, claimed that she was the victim of an "anti-Semitic" attack outside the county registrar's office. Walther claimed people in the registrar's office saw the incident but according to even the Orange County Register's report on February 4, 1998, a supervisor in the office, Mai Kang, said that, according to the Register, "no one saw the assault." 

For my own part, at the height of the frenzy, I traveled to Orange County to speak at a public meeting of the SOCCCD board of directors in June of 1998. The event was a veritable media circus, with the press and armed guards very much in evidence as hundreds of people crowded into the meeting room and into an adjoining room where the overflow audience was able to watch the proceedings live via the magic of video. 

Waiting outside, prior to the meeting, an idealistic young reporter for a local Jewish community newspaper made energetic efforts to pin me down as a "Holocaust denier" and an "anti-Semite" and to challenge the thesis of Final Judgment. However, Bob Ourlian, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, was overheard whispering to the young lady, "Don't try to argue with this guy. He's very articulate and knows what he's talking about," and she quickly (and wisely) changed her approach. 

One week prior to this, I had actually sent Ourlian a copy of Final Judgment, so he knew full well the book was thoroughly documented and that I was fully in command of the information that I had presented. As far as the Holocaust was concerned, I told the press this:

I'm tired of hearing about the Holocaust. It's boring. Enough already. It happened more than 50 years ago—long before I was born. My grandmother sent four of her sons—my father and three of his brothers—off to fight in World War II. 

They were involved in Holocaust rescue activities as members of the U.S. military. My father spent time in a veteran's hospital for his efforts on behalf of the Jews. So please: I really don't want to hear about the Holocaust. I'm here to talk about the JFK assassination. 

But if you want to know about a real Holocaust, that's happening right now, let's take a look at what's happening to the American Indians on the concentration camps in the United States that are euphemistically called "reservations. " 

My great-great-grandfather was a full-blooded American Indian and for all I know, I have relatives on the reservations today, suffering malnutrition, alcoholism, high rates of suicide and other tragedies. 

Despite all this, the federal government is cutting aid to the reservations, yet billions of American tax dollars are going to Israel. If you want to talk about that Holocaust, I'll be more than glad to. 

Needless to say, the reporters didn't seem interested in discussing that subject, and frankly, I'm not surprised. 

It was quite a drama. The corpulent Professor Roy Bauer also put in an appearance accompanied by a coterie of giggling and notably unattractive women who cooed at his witticisms as he circulated a malicious four-page "report" entitled "Just Who Is Michael Collins Piper?" which purported to detail my crimes against the Jewish people. But what was interesting was that Bauer had backed off in his charge that I was a "Holocaust denier," now contending that I was only "reportedly" a Holocaust "revisionist."

Missing, however, was Marcia Milchiker, my foremost critic on the SOCCCD board. Although for an entire year she had much to say about me and about my publisher, including making the patently ridiculous accusation that we were attempting to "bring back the Nazi Party," she refused (in ADL fashion) to face me when I came to confront her. Although I had been the center of bitter public argument at SOCCCD meetings for almost a year, the board, unfortunately, would not permit me any more than three minutes to speak (the same amount allotted to other speakers). 

However, the entire time I was speaking, Irv Rubin, the head of the violent Jewish Defense League (JDL), and two equally-repugnant associates were shouting from the audience, resulting in the police finally expelling one of Rubin's cronies, a bizarre troll named Barry Krugel. 

At one point, in exasperation, I told the board, quite frankly, "There's been a lot of talk here about 'anti-Semitism,' but if ever there was an argument in favor of anti-Semitism, it's this self-appointed spokesman for the Jewish community right here," referring to Rubin.

There was a positive side to this most raucous event, however. The day afterward, I was invited by Saddleback College journalism professor Lee Williams to address his class on the college campus. Williams issued the invitation on behalf of the staff of the college newspaper and I met with the staff in the newspaper office on the campus where the students posed thought-provoking questions and exhibited the very type of intellectual curiosity that the ADL was so determined to suppress. 

Not only did the students defy the book banners at the A.D.L by asking me to pose for a picture with them, but later they went even further and, as a group, publicly defied the A.D.L by coming to the defense of Steve Frogue. 

But the A.D.L-instigated clamor for the destruction of Frogue still continued. The A.D.L even managed to contrive a short-lived alliance between Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez of Orange County and her bitter foe, former Rep. Bob Dornan, the Republican whom Mrs. Sanchez narrowly defeated in 1996 and then dispatched into oblivion in the 1998 election. Both Mrs. Sanchez and Dornan endorsed the recall campaign at the ADL's behest. However, Mrs. Sanchez back trailed after many of her Hispanic supporters (who despised Dornan) recoiled at her "deal with the devil." 

Despite all this firepower, the ADL's recall scheme crashed and burned. In the end, on November 12, 1998 the ADL hate-mongers suffered an embarrassing defeat. The ADL's media-backed 16-month-long campaign to oust Frogue came to a crashing halt. The Orange County registrar of voters ruled that a two-dozen member team of petition circulators had fallen short, having submitted some 13,000 invalid signatures. 

The media's coverage of the ADL's Waterloo was interesting. The Orange County Register's Kimberly Kindy, who had reported the ADL's campaign against Frogue with particular relish, failed to mention the ADL's role in the scuttled recall in her notably brief report on the demise of the recall drive. Instead, Miss Kindy focused on the role of Democratic and Republican politicians in the effort, never once indicating the ADL had been the prime mover behind the bungled effort to eviscerate Frogue.

There was an interesting footnote to this. My old nemesis, Professor Roy Bauer was ordered to seek psychiatric counseling because of the inflammatory writings in his scurrilous campus newsletter in which I had been one of his targets. Bauer sued the SOCCCD board, charging that his First Amendment rights were violated. Bauer's concern for free speech meant little when he was working to suppress my liberties, but when the tables were turned, he took a second look at the Bill of Rights. Bauer won his suit and I'm glad he did, because, unlike Bauer, I do believe in the First Amendment, even though he and the ADL do not. 

Steve Frogue declined to seek reelection to the SOCCCD board in the year 2000, but we can be certain the "Final Judgment Affair" would have come back to haunt him. However, the fact is the ADL suffered a walloping defeat in Orange County and it happened again in Schaumburg, Illinois, as we will see later. The ADL will continue to be defeated over this issue as long as I have anything to say about it—and the ADL knows it.

For his own part, the loathsome Irv Rubin of the JDL is now dead— allegedly having committed suicide while in federal custody after having been arrested in late 2001 on charges of plotting to bomb the office of California GOP Congressman Darrel Issa, an Arab-American. Yet, Rubin was precisely the type of speaker that the ADL and its allies welcomed at the SOCCCD—saying much about what the ADL's agenda really is. 

What is it about Final Judgment that so upsets the ADL? Why indeed does the ADL "protest too much"? Here's your opportunity to find out. Then, perhaps, you'll understand why Final Judgment really is on the mark. 

Had I not amended Final Judgment after its first edition, I would say— even now—that the book could continue to stand on its merits with no further emendation whatsoever. Now that the book has been substantially expanded, more so than I would have thought possible, I do believe the book will stand the test of time.

The facts speak for themselves. Israel's Mossad was indeed a primary player alongside the CIA and the Lansky Crime Syndicate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Ultimately, Final Judgment will prove to be the first-ever comprehensive record of that conspiracy. I believe I have taken a new look at a very big jigsaw puzzle that displays a remarkably complex and somewhat murky picture. On the puzzle you see before you all of the various groups and individuals implicated in the JFK assassination conspiracy. It is an immensely confusing picture. However, when you turn the puzzle over you find one complete picture—and that's a great big very clear picture of the Israeli flag. All the other flags on the front of the puzzle are, in intelligence jargon, "false flags," and Final Judgment proves just that. 

The Unspoken Truth: 
Israel's Central Role 
in the JFK Assassination 
Where in the world could anyone come up with the idea that Israel's Mossad had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? All of the information which, taken together, proves this contention has long been in the public domain. This book, Final Judgment, brings all of these facts together for the first time in a fascinating and frightening scenario that—although controversial—does make sense. 

Considering all of the theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have been circulating for years, how could anyone ever suggest that Israel's Mossad was involved ? 

This was the reaction of more than a few people when apprised of the thesis presented in the pages of this book. Yet, I believe, that when you read this volume you will reach the same conclusion: that Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, did indeed play a critical role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and its cover-up. The evidence is there, as you shall see. 

It was in 1989, while re-reading A. J. Weberman and Michael Canfield's Coup d'Etat in America (first published in 1975) that I first stumbled upon a strange reference that ultimately led to my research that is outlined here in the pages of Final Judgment. The reference, simple as it was, appearing on page 41, read as follows: 

"After the assassination, an informer for the Secret Service and the FBI who had infiltrated a Cuban exile group and was in the process of selling them machine guns, reported that on November 21, 1963 he was told, 'We now have plenty of money—our new backers are the Jews—as soon as they take care of JFK.' This man had furnished reliable information in the past." (emphasis added) 

I barely noticed the reference, but it did intrigue me. Who did this source mean by "the Jews" and why (of all people) would "they" want to "take care of JFK"? I concluded the source meant Jewish gangsters such as Meyer Lansky who wanted to regain their Cuban gambling interests they lost when Castro came to power. This, I thought, had to be the answer. 

Frankly, I laid the speculation aside. It was just one lone detail among millions of words written about the JFK assassination. Nearly a year went by before I came across the reference again—while re-reading the same book. I pondered the quote for a moment, thinking, "This is interesting." 

However, I once again cast it aside. I had long ago already concluded that the CIA, in collusion with elements of "the Mafia" and the anti-Castro Cuban exiles, was responsible for the president's assassination. 

However, an entire year later—sometime in 1991—I came across a variation of the same quotation cited in the book by Weberman and Canfield. This time it appeared in David Scheim's book, Contract on America, which contends "The Mafia Killed JFK" and which also vehemently dismisses any CIA involvement whatsoever. I had read Scheim's book when it first came out in 1988, but I had not noticed the reference (or the similarity to the other one) at that time. 

What intrigued me, however, was that Scheim's rendition of the quote deleted the reference to the alleged Jewish backers of the Cuban plotters. My immediate thought was: "What's Scheim trying to hide?" At that moment I finally began to see that this unusual (seemingly minor) detail might, in fact, point toward something much bigger than I had realized.

It was at this time that a new biography of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky was released. Entitled Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life, the book—prepared in cooperation with Lansky's family—was little more than a puff piece for Lansky. I realized immediately that the book still somehow seemed to be missing quite a lot. 

It was then that I returned to my library and pulled a book off the shelf that I hadn't re-read in perhaps fifteen years. It was Hank Messick's biography of Lansky. Re-reading this important book I began to see that Meyer Lansky was not just a Mafia advisor as David Scheim, for example, would have his readers believe. Instead, Lansky was "the chairman of the board" of organized crime. All of the Mafia figures that had been repeatedly implicated in the JFK assassination were, in fact, Lansky's front men—his subordinates, his underlings. In short, if "the Mafia" had a hand in the killing of JFK, then Lansky had to have been one of the key players. 

Yet, as I quickly began to see in reviewing many of the works which allege that "The Mafia Killed JFK," Lansky's preeminent role was being ignored or otherwise under-played. I was aware of Lansky's close ties to Israel. After all, Lansky fled to Israel when the heat was on in the United States. But how deeply did the Lansky-Israeli connection go? My research into that question began to turn up some interesting facts.

At this juncture, however, I had no reason whatsoever to think that Israel would have had any reason to participate in the JFK assassination conspiracy. However, it was just about the time that I had begun to take a second look at the Lansky connection—in 1991—that several new works were released which provided never-before revealed information about the covert relationship between the United States and Israel. 

These books, cited extensively in Final Judgment, made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy had become embroiled in a bitter behind-the-scenes battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war. 

JFK's secret war with Israel was something that even long-time JFK assassination researchers had no reason to know about. Much of the material had long been classified. It was a secret—a deep, dark secret.

Some of JFK's communications with then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion were classified for years, until just recently. Not even top-level intelligence officials with special security clearance were initially allowed access to those explosive documents. 

In fact, prior to these more recent revelations, very little about JFK's relations with Israel and the Arab world had ever actually been published anywhere. As historian David Schoenbaum pointed out quite notably in his book, The United States and the State of Israel: 

"Submerged among the high-visibility themes of East-West relations, the nuclear arms race and the early dawn of a test ban and nonproliferation, the Berlin and Cuban missile crisis, the perplexities of the newly decolonized Belgian Congo, buoyant hopes for an Alliance for Progress in Latin America, and the deepening quagmire in Vietnam, the Middle East is scarcely even visible in the standard biographies that followed Kennedy's assassination. Even by liberal estimates, Ben-Gurion and Nasser, Israel and Egypt appear on only seven each of Theodore Sorensen's 758, and Arthur M. Schlesinger's 1,031 pages of text." (Emphasis added.) 

In short, while JFK assassination researchers were busy probing a wide variety of areas, they were missing the big picture—the secret picture on the other side of the jigsaw puzzle. 

So it was that the new revelations about Kennedy's relationship with Israel (and its potential link to the assassination conspiracy) made me realize that there was an unexplored area of research—never before considered—that needed examination. 

By this time, then, the long and close relationship between Israel and JFK's foes at the CIA was something that was now being acknowledged. And JFK's own war with the CIA was already common knowledge. At the time of the JFK assassination, however, the depth and breadth of the CIA's relationship with Israel's Mossad, however, was not so commonly known. 

The pieces of the puzzle were all there. They simply needed to be put together. With a basic thesis now evolving in my mind, I began re-reading much of the published information about the JFK assassination, his policy toward Israel and the history of organized crime. 

And in so doing, I repeatedly found myself stumbling upon new information that continued to verify what was initially in my mind just a theory, but which I now believe to be the truth. By December of 1992 I realized that I had enough material for a book and I began to write it. 

But even as I was already in the process of writing the book, I was startled by the vast amount of material that I was continually uncovering— and virtually all of it was in the pages of mainstream sources freely available to anyone who cared to do the research. I thus began to realize that I had indeed begun to assemble a remarkable wealth of material that brought my initial thesis full circle.

It is the Permindex connection which is the tie that binds—the final proof that the Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy. In Permindex we find all of the critical elements tying the Mossad, the CIA and the Lansky Crime Syndicate together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy. 

Although researchers have devoted much time and energy to pursuing a wide variety of questions relating to the JFK assassination (focusing on many matters that will never be resolved) most have steered clear of Permindex. Those who have referenced it portray Permindex as some sort of remnant of the Third Reich but nothing could be further from the truth. 

In fact, understanding the forces behind Permindex is the key to resolving the biggest mystery of this century: the question of not only who killed John F. Kennedy—but why.

Just before I began the book I mentioned my theory to a rather well-known former United States congressman. He surprised me when he said, "I think you are on to something. I've believed for years that the Mossad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, but I never really took the time to look into it. I'm glad you're doing it, though. It will be an important book. It's a book I would have liked to have written myself." 

Then, just after I finished the first draft, I sent a copy of the manuscript to another former member of Congress, Paul Findley, thinking that he might have some interest in the subject. His response was perhaps a bit astonishing. The ex-Congressman wrote me a surprising letter in which he said, "I will mention that over the past four years I have had lengthy correspondence with a retired diplomat from a western European nation whose family (including himself) has had disastrous experiences with Israel and the Mossad. He has been prodding me all that time to do what you have done."—that is, write a book exploring Israel's secret role in the JFK assassination conspiracy. 

Congressman Findley then passed the manuscript on to the Frenchman (whose remarkable story you will learn about in these pages) who in turn provided me additional fascinating leads and inside information that helped make the thesis presented in Final Judgment complete.

Israel's Mossad was indeed a primary force behind the JFK assassination conspiracy. The Israeli connection pulls all of the pieces of the puzzle together into one complete picture. The role of the Mossad in the JFK assassination is indeed the "missing link" in the conspiracy. For the sake of history, it is a story that needs to be told. 
                                     —MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER

A Who's Who of the JFK Assassination 
Conspiracy and Cover-Up 
While the following selection of names in this special "who's who" is by no means complete, it does provide the reader of Final Judgment with a brief overview of the facts relating to the involvement of the individuals in question with the circumstances surrounding not only the JFK assassination itself, but also the efforts by some to uncover the truth about the assassination—and by others to bury it. 

Following each name and description are references to the particular chapters in Final Judgment where details about that individual appear in pertinent part. The inclusion of any name in particular is by no means intended to suggest that the individual—unless specifically stated—had foreknowledge that the murder of President Kennedy was being planned.

As we note in these pages, there were many people who were brought into the JFK assassination conspiracy and the subsequent cover-up who had no idea of the actual role that they were playing. 

The following "who's who"—if read in this context—provides the reader a quick glance at the key individuals who ultimately prove central to a complete understanding of the entirety of the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination of President Kennedy.

At Permindex 
Clay Shaw  
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If New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had been permitted to carry out an unimpeded investigation and prosecution of Shaw, a CIA contract operative and former director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans implicated in involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and other figures central to the JFK assassination conspiracy, the truth about Shaw's connections—through a shadowy corporation known as Permindex—to not only Israel's Mossad, but also the international crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky would have been bared to the world. (See Chapter 15) 

Louis M. Bloomfield  
Image result for IMAGES OF Louis M. BloomfieldImage result for IMAGES OF Louis M. Bloomfield
Based in Montreal, Bloomfield was a long-time intelligence operative and a front man for the powerful Bronfman family interests. The Bronfmans were not only key international backers of Israel but also long-time figures in the Lansky crime syndicate. Bloomfield, one of the foremost figures in the Israeli lobby in Canada and one of Israel's leading international operatives, not only served as the chief shareholder in the Permindex Corporation on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served, but also had intimate ties to American intelligence. (See Chapter 15)

Tibor Rosenbaum 
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One of the "godfathers" of the state of Israel and the first director for finance and supply for Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, Rosenbaum was a prime financial angel behind the Permindex corporation and a key figure in the JFK assassination conspiracy. His Swiss bank, the Banque De Credit International, also served as the chief European money laundry for Meyer Lansky, chief of the global crime syndicate. (See Chapter 8, Chapter 15, Appendix Four and Appendix Nine). 

John King 
A close business associate of Tibor Rosenbaum's protégé and sometime front man, Bernard Cornfeld, King showed up in New Orleans in the early stages of Jim Garrison's investigation—before Clay Shaw's name had come up—and sought to persuade Garrison (through a bribery attempt) to give up the inquiry. Fortunately he failed in his scheme. (See Chapter 15)

The Mossad Connection 
David Ben-Gurion 
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Prime Minister of Israel; resigned his post in disgust with JFK's stance toward Israel in April of 1963; Said JFK's position threatened Israel's very survival. (See Chapter 4 and Chapter 5) 

Yitzhak Shamir 
A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad's chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad's assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK's actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence. (See Chapter 5 and Chapter 16) 

Menachem Begin 
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In 1963, Begin (later prime minister of Israel) was a roving Israeli diplomat; prior to JFK's assassination he was overheard conspiring with Meyer Lansky's California henchman, Mickey Cohen, in a conversation that suggested hostile intentions by Israel against the American president. (See Chapter 13) 

Luis Kutner 
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Although known largely as a "mob lawyer" in Chicago, Kutner—who was long and closely associated with Jack Ruby, a sometime client—Kutner also doubled as an international intelligence operative and functioned as an adviser to an ad hoc pro-Israel lobby group in the United States. (See Chapter 14) 

A. L. Botnick 
Head of the New Orleans office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, an intelligence and propaganda arm for Israel's Mossad; a close associate of New Orleans-based CIA operative Guy Banister who helped create Lee Harvey Oswald's pre-assassination profile as a "pro-Castro" agitator. Evidence suggests Banister's manipulation of Oswald may have been carried out under the guise of an ADL "fact finding" operation. (See Chapter 15 and Appendix Three)

Arnon Milchan 
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Israel's biggest arms dealer, Milchan was "executive producer" (i.e. chief financial angel) of Oliver Stone's Hollywood fantasy about the JFK assassination—a fact which may explain Stone's aversion to exploring the Israeli connection to the affair. (See Chapter 17) 

Shaul Eisenberg 
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Israel's wealthiest industrialist and longtime operative for the Mossad was a prime mover behind Israel's efforts to build a nuclear arsenal. His covert dealings with Red China played a key role in the JFK assassination conspiracy. (See Appendix Nine)

The CIA Connection 
Rudolph Hecht 
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An owner of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit concern, Hecht was a prominent figure in the New Orleans Jewish community and as chairman of the board of directors of the International Trade Mart was Permindex board member Clay Shaw's primary sponsor. (See Chapter 15) 

James Jesus Angleton 
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Angleton, the CIA's long-time chief of counterintelligence, was the CIA's primary high-level conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up. Angleton, who had been co-opted by and was totally loyal to the Israeli Mossad, played a major role in the effort to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. Final Judgment is the first JFK assassination study to delve into Angleton's role in the conspiracy. (See Chapter 8, Chapter 9, and Chapter 16) 

David Atlee Phillips 
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A long-time high-level CIA official, Phillips was the CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time a strange effort was underway to implicate Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet KGB collaborator. If anyone in the CIA knew the truth about Oswald, it was Phillips. He confessed publicly that the story about Oswald being in Mexico City was not precisely what the CIA had long claimed. (See Chapter 16) 

E. Howard Hunt 
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Long-time CIA officer and liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Testimony by ex-CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz placed Hunt in Dallas, Texas the day before the president's assassination. The full truth about Hunt's actual involvement in the affair may never be known, but there is no question that Hunt was deeply involved in the intrigue surrounding the president's murder. Evidence does indeed indicate that there was a conscious effort to frame Hunt for involvement in the crime. (See Chapter 9 and Chapter 16) 

Guy Banister 
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The former FBI agent-turned-CIA contract operative whose New Orleans office was a central point for intrigue involving the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the anti-DeGaulle forces in the French Secret Army Organization (OAS). Under Banister's direction, Lee Harvey Oswald established a public profile for himself as a "pro-Castro" agitator in the streets of New Orleans. (See Chapter 15 and Appendix Three) 

David Ferrie 
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An enigmatic CIA contract operative, Ferrie was closely involved with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, working alongside Oswald out of Guy Banister's office. The investigation of Ferrie by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ultimately led to Garrison's discovery of Permindex board member Clay Shaw's ties to Ferrie, Oswald and Banister. (See Chapter 15 and Appendix Three) 

Marita Lorenz 
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A former CIA contract operative, she testified under oath that one day prior to the JFK assassination she arrived in Dallas with her CIA handler Frank Sturgis and an armed caravan of Cuban exiles who were met there by not only Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald, but also by CIA official E. Howard Hunt. (See Chapter 9 and Chapter 16) 

Frank Sturgis 
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Best remembered as a key CIA player in the war against Castro, Sturgis had worked for the Mossad even prior to his years with the CIA and maintained his Mossad ties well into the 1970's. Sturgis was not only involved in the training of Cuban exiles near New Orleans (the same operation involving Guy Banister and David Ferrie) but he also led the armed caravan (described by Marita Lorenz) that arrived in Dallas the day before the JFK assassination. Sturgis later told Miss Lorenz that his team had played a part in the events in Dealey Plaza. (See Chapter 16) 

Guillermo & Ignacio Novo 
Image result for images of Guillermo & Ignacio NovoImage result for images of Guillermo & Ignacio Novo
Two brothers, veterans of the CIA-backed Cuban exile wars against Fidel Castro, the Novos were part of the armed caravan led by CIA and Mossad asset Frank Sturgis that arrived in Dallas on November 21, 1963. Many years after Dallas, the Novos were convicted of participating in the murder of a Chilean dissident in collaboration with another Mossad-connected adventurer, Michael Townley, who in 1963 had been working for high-level Mossad figures implicated in the JFK conspiracy. (See Chapter 9 and Chapter 16) 

Victor Marchetti 
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A high-ranking CIA official who left the agency in disgust, Marchetti later made a career writing about the CIA. In a 1978 article in The Spotlight newspaper, Marchetti charged that the CIA was about to frame its long-time operative, E. Howard Hunt, with involvement in the JFK assassination. A libel suit filed by Hunt as a consequence of Marchetti's article resulted in a climactic finding by a jury that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the president. (See Chapter 16) 

Robin Moore 
A journalist with long-standing close ties to the CIA, Moore co-authored former CIA man Hugh McDonald's book, LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy which promoted James Jesus Angleton's false claim that the KGB was behind the president's murder—another of the disinformation stories that emerged following the assassination. (See Chapter 17)

The Lansky Crime Syndicate 
Meyer Lansky 
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Chief executive officer and de facto "treasurer" of the international crime syndicate; active in gun-running on behalf of the Israeli underground; collaborated closely with American intelligence on a number of fronts; later settled in Israel. Researchers who have claimed that "The Mafia Killed JFK" have pointedly refused to acknowledge Lansky's preeminent positioning in the underworld. (See Chapter 7) 

Carlos Marcello 
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The head of the Mafia in New Orleans, Marcello owed his status to Meyer Lansky who was his chief sponsor in the crime syndicate. Marcello could not have orchestrated the JFK assassination—as some suggest—without Lansky's explicit approval. (See Chapter 10) 

Seymour Weiss 
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Meyer Lansky's New Orleans bagman and liaison with the Louisiana political establishment served as a director of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit company. He appears to have been a high-ranking CIA asset in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination. (See Chapter 15) 

Santo Trafficante, Jr. 
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Although best known as the head of the Mafia in Tampa, Trafficante actually functioned as Meyer Lansky's chief lieutenant in the crime syndicate and as Lansky's liaison with the CIA in the Castro assassination plots. (See Chapter 12) 

Sam Giancana
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Longtime Chicago Mafia leader, Giancana was a player in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro, working under the direction of the real "boss" of the crime syndicate in Chicago, Mossad-connected Hyman Lamer, a partner of national crime chief Meyer Lansky. (See Chapter 11) 

Johnny Rosselli 
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A roving "ambassador" for the Mossad-connected Chicago Mafia, Rosselli was the primary conduit between the CIA and the mob in the plots against Fidel Castro; may have arranged the murder of Sam Giancana and was later murdered himself. (See Chapter 11) 

Mickey Cohen 
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Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman; Jack Ruby's role model and a gun-runner for the Israeli underground, Cohen collaborated closely with Israeli diplomat Menachem Begin prior to the JFK assassination; Cohen arranged for John F. Kennedy to meet actress Marilyn Monroe who was assigned the task of finding out JFK's private views and intentions toward Israel. (See Chapter 13) 

Jack Ruby 
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A long-time functionary for the Lansky syndicate, Ruby was the Lansky connection man in Dallas and also engaged in CIA-linked gunrunning to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Evidence suggests there is more to Ruby's sudden "death" than meets the eye. (See Chapter 14)

Jim Braden 
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A veteran personal courier for Meyer Lansky, Braden was almost assuredly in contact in Dallas with Jack Ruby prior to the JFK assassination. He was briefly detained in Dealey Plaza minutes after the president's murder, but those JFK assassination researchers who have mentioned Braden prefer to cast him as a "Mafia" figure rather than as Lansky's man on the scene in Dallas. (See Chapter 14) 

Al Gruber 
A henchman of Meyer Lansky's West Coast operative, Mickey Cohen, Gruber and Ruby spoke by telephone just shortly before Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. It is believed that Gruber gave Ruby the contract on Oswald on behalf of his superiors. (See Chapter 13)

The French Connection 
Charles DeGaulle 
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Repeatedly targeted for assassination by Israeli-allied forces in French intelligence and in the Secret Army Organization (OAS) who were angry that DeGaulle had granted independence to Arab Algeria. The Mossad-sponsored Permindex operation that also had a hand in the murder of JFK, laundered money used in the assassination attempts on DeGaulle. (See Chapter 9, Chapter 15 and Chapter 16) 

Georges deLannurien 
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High ranking official in the SDECE, the French intelligence agency; pinpointed by a former French intelligence officer as the individual who (at the behest of Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir) contracted the hit team who killed JFK in Dallas. (See Chapter 16) 

Michael Mertz 
A former French SDECE officer and the Paris connection for the Lansky-Trafficante heroin syndicate; alleged to have been one of the actual gunmen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Long believed to be the legendary CIA contract killer, QJ/WIN. (See Chapter 16) 

Jean Soutre 
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A liaison for the French OAS with the CIA's E. Howard Hunt, Soutre maintained contact with Guy Banister's CIA- and mob-linked gunrunning headquarters in New Orleans. Soutre may have been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination. There is evidence linking Soutre to James Jesus Angleton's intrigue inside the CIA that affected French intelligence in a dramatic way. (See Chapter 15 and Chapter 16) 

Thomas Eli Davis III 
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A world-traveling mercenary linked to Jack Ruby's arms dealing activities, Davis was taken into custody in North Africa for his subversive activities alongside Israeli agents in supplying weapons to the French OAS just prior to the JFK assassination. The CIA's infamous international assassin QJ/WIN has long been said to have secured Davis's release from prison. (See Chapter 16)

Geoffrey Bocca 
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A former propagandist for the OAS, Bocca later coauthored former CIA contract agent Hugh McDonald's book, Appointment in Dallas, which pointed the blame for the JFK assassination away from those who were actually responsible—the first of two suspect books put out by McDonald. (See Chapter 17 and Appendix Eight) 

Christian David 
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A French Corsican criminal associated with reputed JFK assassin Michael Mertz, David has claimed knowledge of a French hit team involved in the JFK assassination. David himself was the chief suspect in the murder of a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, whose killing was orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad through anti-DeGaulle forces in French intelligence. (See Chapter 16)

Truth Seekers 
Mark Lane 
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Retained by Lee Harvey Oswald's mother to represent her son's interests before the Warren Commission, Lane's book Rush to Judgment was the first major critique of the Warren Commission Report. In defending a libel suit filed against The Spotlight newspaper by former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Lane proved to the satisfaction of a jury that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK assassination. His best-selling book Plausible Denial outlined the circumstances of that libel suit and its ultimate conclusion. (See Chapter 9 and Chapter 16) 

Gary Wean 
A former detective on the Hollywood beat of the Los Angeles Police Department, Wean discovered how Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen, was conspiring against John F. Kennedy on behalf of the Israelis. In a meeting with the former sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, Wean learned a portion of the truth about what really happened in Dallas. (See Chapter 13 and Chapter 16) 

News Twisters 
Edgar & Edith Stern 
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Close friends of Clay Shaw and financial backers of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, and owners of the WDSU media empire in New Orleans that not only played a major role in giving vast publicity to Lee Harvey Oswald's profile as a "pro-Castro agitator" but also later sought to undermine Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. (See Chapter 17 and Appendix Three) 

Johann Rush 
As a young WDSU cameraman, Rush was on the scene to record Oswald's "pro-Castro" activities. He emerged—many years later— as the brains behind a "computer-enhanced" version of the famous Zapruder film of the JFK assassination that author Gerald Posner cited as "proof' that Oswald acted alone in the president's murder. (See Chapter 17)

Drew Pearson 
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Accused by his own mother-in-law of being a "mouthpiece" for the pro-Israel ADL, Pearson had close ties to not only the Israeli lobby, but also the CIA and to President Lyndon Johnson and his cronies. It was Pearson who floated an unlikely story that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK assassination and who also played a major influence in shaping Earl Warren's perceptions of the tragedy. (See Chapter 17) 

Jack Anderson 
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As protégé of Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson likewise had strange connections that might have biased his own reportage on the JFK affair. Since 1963 Anderson has promoted a number of conflicting versions about "who really killed JFK" ranging from "the Mafia" to Fidel Castro or a combination of both. (See Chapter 17) 

Jack Newfield 
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A liberal columnist and some-time JFK assassination buff, Newfield has been a likewise long-standing devotee of Israel. He made a big splash with a highly fantastic story that missing Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa had "ordered" two Mafia figures to arrange the killing of President Kennedy. Not surprisingly, Newfield's ridiculous story was given wide play in the Establishment media. (See Chapter 17)

Theorists and/or Propagandists? 
Oliver Stone 
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His Hollywood extravaganza, JFK, gave the public a full blown, full-color, gory-in-every-detail conspiracy theory on the JFK assassination. Yet, Stone's presentation of the conspiracy was far from complete and failed to reach any firm conclusions. He deliberately suppressed the "French connection" which, in turn, was the long-hidden Israeli connection. Not only was Stone's chief financial backer Israel's leading arms dealer but the company distributing his film had its origins in the Lansky crime syndicate. What's more, one of the chief shareholders in the film company was none other than Bernard Cornfeld, long-time associate of Permindex figure Tibor Rosenbaum (See Chapter 17). 

Frank Mankiewicz 
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This former publicist for the Israeli Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League had a peculiar part in the events that took place prior to the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Then when Oliver Stone began promoting his film JFK, Mankiewicz popped up as his key public relations man. (See Chapter 17 and Chapter 18) 

Anthony Summers 
Image result for images of Anthony Summers
Author of one book hinting that the Kennedy family were responsible for the death—maybe the murder—of actress Marilyn Monroe, Summers wrote another book on the JFK conspiracy. In neither book did Summers reveal explosive information (of which he was aware) that could have helped point in the direction of those same forces which played a part in both crimes. (See Chapter 13)

Robert Morrow 
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A former CIA contract operative who played a major role in activities on the periphery of the JFK assassination conspiracy, Morrow's book on his experiences is rife with detail, yet suspect in the eyes of many who had looked into his claims. Morrow's book absolves the key CIA conspirator, James J. Angleton, of involvement in the JFK conspiracy and portrays him as being "out of the loop" when, in fact, precisely the opposite was true. Is it a coincidence that Morrow's book publisher is an American affiliate of an Israeli publishing company? (See the Afterword) 

G. Robert Blakey 
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An unlikely choice to serve as director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Blakey had, just two years previously, served as a character witness for a long-time close associate of crime boss Meyer Lansky. When pointing the blame in the JFK assassination, Blakey targeted Lansky's protégé, New Orleans Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, but looked no further. Blakey, likewise, found no role by the CIA—or any other intelligence agency—in the assassination. Blakey says that if (that's if) there was a conspiracy—"The Mafia Killed JFK. "(See Chapter 10) 

David Scheim 
The author of a book that pins the murder of President Kennedy on "the Mafia," Scheim refuses to acknowledge Permindex board member Clay Shaw's intelligence connections and paints Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky as a low-level syndicate figure with no influence of substance. Scheim's book was published by the American front for an Israeli publishing company. (See Chapter 10) 

John Foster "Chip" Berlet 
A hit-and-run "journalist" with longstanding covert connections to the CIA and an open collaborator with the AntiDefamation League (ADL)—a conduit for Israel's Mossad—Berlet played a key role in a major propaganda campaign by the ADL to prevent the facts about the JFK assassination put forth in the pages of Final Judgment from being heard. (See the Foreword) 

James DiEugenio 
Although a deep admirer of both John F. Kennedy and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, DiEugenio has tread lightly when inquiring into the ties between Clay Shaw and the Permindex operation with its multiple links to the Israeli Mossad and the crime syndicate. (See Appendix Three and the Afterword) 

Peter Dale Scott 
His years of in-depth research on the JFK assassination have led him directly to the doorstep of the CIA, the Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate, yet he has never been prepared to name names or point in the direction of those very forces, preferring to sidestep the issue. Is he afraid or is he simply ignorant? (See the Afterword.) 

And now, for a final judgment . . .

Chapter One 
The Tie That Binds: 
What All of the Most Commonly 
Accepted JFK Assassination Theories 
Have in Common— 
The Never-Mentioned Israeli Connection

Who killed John F. Kennedy? That question has plagued the world for a generation. What is it that we do know about the JFK murder that ties all of the differing theories together? What is it that all of the theories have in common? 

The blame for the assassination has been placed on numerous power groups, perhaps working independently or together. Most often named have been the CIA (or rogue elements thereof), organized crime and the anti-Castro Cuban network. 

Yet, one power in particular—Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad—links all of these forces together. Israel, however ,is the central player whose role has been consistently ignored.

"Everybody on earth on November 22, 1963, it sometimes seems, was involved in a plot to assassinate JFK. If all those alleged conspirators—all of whom have denied the allegations—were there, it's lucky anyone got out of Dealey Plaza alive."1 

These were the words of one journalist, Terry Catchpole, reflecting on the controversy over Oliver Stone's Hollywood all-star extravaganza JFK and of widespread interest in the JFK assassination in general. 

Catchpole cites groups often alleged to have been involved in some way with the JFK assassination—although this summary by no means is complete (ignoring, in particular, the CIA as an institution):

 Cuban Communists 
 Cuban Anti-Communists 
 Military-Industrial Complex 
 A Renegade CIA Clique 
 Organized Crime 
 Soviet Communists 
 The FBI 
 The Mastermind 

This final theory, according to Catchpole, is that "the Mafia had actually taken over the Howard Hughes organization from the bedridden recluse, and it was run by a "Mr. X," possibly [organized crime syndicate boss].Meyer.Lansky.” 2 

Each and every one of these theories, of course, has its own advocates. Each and every one of these theories, additionally, has been intertwined with one or more of the others. And now, the advent of Stone's film, coupled with the subsequent release of several new books on the assassination—most notably Mark Lane's Plausible Denial, which proved CIA complicity in the president's murder—has brought new interest in the controversy. 

Perhaps some day there will even be a book which places the blame for the assassination on, as New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison used to say, "retired circus clowns." However, it was not retired circus clowns who killed John F. Kennedy, at least so far as we know.

This book contends that Israel's Mossad was a primary player alongside the CIA and the Lansky Crime Syndicate in the JFK assassination conspiracy and that, in fact, the Mossad's role was probably the driving force behind the conspiracy. It is clearly Israel and its Mossad—as we shall document—which is the one force which ties all of the most frequently mentioned alleged conspirators together: the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban forces, organized crime and, most specifically—and more significantly than the so-called Mafia—the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate. The connections are far more sinister and go far deeper than most might imagine. In Final Judgment we will examine all of this in detail.

Israel, as we shall see, had a very distinct motive not only to orchestrate Kennedy's removal from office but also to elevate his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson into the White House. As did, of course, many of those other elements in the conspiracy that resulted in Kennedy's murder. 

Never once, however—at least in standard assassination research—has the suggestion that Israel had a hand in Kennedy's murder ever been uttered. Yet, the evidence is there—evidence that has lain dormant or has otherwise been ignored or gone unrecognized for its significance. 

Indeed, virtually all of the facts brought together in Final Judgment have been drawn from recognized volumes in the field of JFK assassination research and in other standard sources. 

One former member of Congress, Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill.) himself has publicly suggested that Israel indeed may have had a hand in the JFK assassination. In the March 1992 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Findley points out: 

"It is interesting—but not surprising—to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned. And yet a Mossad motive is obvious." 3 

Findley lays out the motive—a motive that we outline in detail in the pages of this book: "Israeli leaders never trusted the Kennedy's. They were aware that when President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was ambassador to Great Britain, he frequently praised Nazi Germany. 

"During John Kennedy's campaign for the presidency, a group of New York Jews had privately offered to meet his campaign expenses if he would let them set his Middle East policy. He did not agree . . . As president, he provided only limited support to Israel. 

"On the other hand, Lyndon Johnson had demonstrated his strong support for Israel throughout his political career. The government of Israel, therefore, had every reason to believe that its interests would be better advanced with Johnson as president. And indeed they were. After Kennedy's death, the United States, for the first time, began large-scale shipments of arms to Israel... 

"Certainly, the Mossad possessed the resources to carry out an assassination almost any place on earth."

Findley concludes: "Am I accusing the Mossad of complicity? Absolutely not. I have no evidence of such. My point is simply this: on this question, as on almost all others, American reporters and commentators cannot bring themselves to cast Israel in an unfavorable light—despite the obvious fact that Mossad complicity is as plausible as any of the other theories." 4 

In these pages we will provide Congressman Findley and the readers with the evidence. We will let the readers make the final judgment.

One leading assassination investigator, Carl Oglesby, recently summarized his own decades of personal research. "It was an inside job," he said, "something on the order of the enterprise which we discovered in the Iran/Contra scandal. 

"At the same time," he added as a caveat, "I cannot bring myself to believe that an institution such as the CIA for example could in any formal and regular sense decide to kill the president. 

"So what I am talking about is an off-the-shelf, off-the-books kind of action that must have been put together by some subterranean association cutting through not only the CIA, but to a certain extent the FBI the Dallas police and the military-intelligence agencies themselves."

Final Judgment suggests that it was Israel's Mossad that was indeed the very "subterranean association" that did cut through the various entities which found themselves brought into the JFK assassination conspiracy. 

In a recent interview another respected JFK assassination researcher, Peter Dale Scott, perhaps lends further credence to the theory we are about to present. Scott believes that there were a variety of forces at work behind the JFK assassination. He specifically fingers "Lyndon Johnson's backers— particularly those who had a stake in the military-industrial complex" and "an intelligence-Mafia connection that included members of the intelligence community who were involved with military-industrial corporate backers of Lyndon Johnson, who in turn were involved with Mafia people. At a minimum," according to Scott, "you have to consider this triad of forces." Note Scott's words: "at a minimum."

This, of course, suggests that other forces were indeed involved. Final Judgment not only suggests that it was, in fact, Israel's Mossad, but also clearly pinpoints the Mossad connection.

Scott himself goes one step further, but without naming the Mossad. He says, "In my research, the most suggestive clues have emerged from a relatively restricted circle within what I call the dark quadrant of suppressed relationships or deep politics: a circle within the tripartite world of first, CIA, defense, and other intelligence networks; second, the underworld of organized crime and anti-Castro Cubans; and third, corporate interests with links both to the intelligence and defense communities and also to organized crime. 

"The key," says Scott, "is that all those in this dark quadrant would have resisted its exposure whether or not they were key plotters." 7 Final Judgment concurs with Scott's judgment. Again, note Scott's words: "CIA, defense, and other intelligence networks." 

As we demonstrate—and which is not really so very secret—it is Israel's Mossad—above and beyond any other intelligence network—foreign or domestic—that has been unusually close (almost incestuously so) to the CIA in a variety of international ventures.

What's more, we go one step beyond Scott's conclusions. Final Judgment points out the highly significant role of the American media in its role in the cover-up. The cover-up of the JFK assassination conspiracy could never have succeeded without the support of a willing media. The fact is that Israel and its supporters in the American media have a long and intimate relationship. Until recent years—and even still today—criticism of Israel and its misdeeds have been verboten in the Establishment media, as noted previously in the comments by Congressman Findley.

We will illustrate, by several notable examples, how primary friends of Israel in the American media have been key players in floating "false leads" (or "false flags" in intelligence jargon) that have directed attention and suspicion elsewhere. This is a phenomenon never before examined in studying the JFK assassination and which explains, in large part, why the real truth about the assassination conspiracy has remained hidden for so long, all of the research notwithstanding.

(In Chapter 3 we will examine numerous instances wherein Israel's Mossad itself utilized "false flags" to cover up its own role in a wide variety of assassination conspiracies and crimes around the globe.) 

Professor Scott, like many JFK researchers, has long focused on the change of policy toward Vietnam that took place as a result of John F. Kennedy's assassination. He also points out that there was, additionally, a change of policy toward Latin America. 

However, in these pages, we demonstrate beyond question that the most profound—and, in retrospect, probably most lasting and unusual—reversal in the conduct of American foreign policy was in the arena of U.S.-Israeli relations. These facts, unfortunately, have been neglected by even the most serious researchers into the JFK assassination.

The purpose of Final Judgment, you see, is not to prove, once and for all, that there was indeed a conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and to perpetuate a cover-up of that conspiracy. That has been proven, time and again, in an endless array of books, monographs, magazine articles—even in the pages of several novels. 

Instead, Final Judgment takes the commonly accepted theories one step further and binds them all together—all too well—in a frightening scenario that is surely so very close to the truth. 

Many desired JFK's removal from the presidency. However, as we note throughout these pages, research over the years has—for a variety of reasons—ignored the bitter conflict between the State of Israel and John F. Kennedy. 

Likewise, researchers have—again, for a variety of reasons, innocent and otherwise—ignored the very close connections between Israel and each of the diverse groups all of whom had a reason to want to end John F. Kennedy's presidency: the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate, the Mafia, the anti-Castro Cubans, and the CIA. 

In Final Judgment, we present a theory that, in the free market of ideas, deserves consideration—controversial though it will be. 

John F. Kennedy himself put it best: "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." 

What all of the commonly alleged conspiracies are tied together by is the one strand that has been consistently ignored—and that, of course, is the Israeli connection. 

In Final Judgment we will consider this (unfortunately) long-ignored hidden aspect of history. 

What Final Judgment proves is not only that Israel had reason to conspire against JFK, but that Israel was in a central position to not only coordinate the assassination scheme (and did) but also the subsequent cover up—all of this in close collaboration with its co-conspirators in the CIA and organized crime—most specifically those elements intimately linked to syndicate boss Meyer Lansky. 

Israel—as much as the Mafia or the CIA, for example—stood to benefit greatly from the death of America's 35th president—and did, JFK's assassination set the stage for Israel to become a major power.

Research into the Kennedy assassination is most difficult, if only because the literature is so immense, the web so tangled, and the surfeit of theories and potential conspirators so seemingly unending. What's more, some assassination researchers have latched onto their own unique theories and, as a consequence, have failed to look elsewhere—in the direction of Israel, for example. With all of this in mind, let us proceed on the basis that there are certain areas of agreement. 

Our final judgment—outlined in these pages—rests on a foundation composed of the following generally accepted conclusions about the nature of the JFK assassination conspiracy:  

That there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy;  

That the conspiracy itself involved elements of the U.S. intelligence community, the CIA in particular;  

That Organized Crime figures played a major part in the conspiracy;  

That anti-Castro Cubans were actively participating in the conspiracy, at the urging of and/or manipulation by the CIA and elements of Organized Crime;  

That somehow Lee Harvey Oswald (wittingly or unwittingly) was brought into the conspiracy and that the conspirators planted false evidence to link Oswald with Fidel Castro and the Soviets; 

That Oswald was involved in some manner of U.S. intelligence activity, even if he was unaware those activities were sponsored or manipulated by some element of the U.S. intelligence community.  

That Jack Ruby was either an active participant in the assassination conspiracy itself or was used in some fashion to manipulate Oswald prior to the assassination of JFK;  

That Ruby was actively involved in organized crime activities and that he was, as a consequence of that involvement, also linked with organized crime activities that operated in conjunction (or ran parallel) with U.S. intelligence community activities. 

That the Central Intelligence Agency was cognizant of the activities of both Oswald and Ruby and certainly manipulated both;  

That Oswald was executed by Jack Ruby for the purpose of silencing Oswald forever;  

That a major cover-up of the JFK assassination conspiracy was undertaken following the events in Dallas;

That the cover-up involved elements of the federal government (including the CIA); 

That the Warren Commission and the House Assassinations Committee were deliberate participants in the cover-up; 

That the cover-up conspiracy was conducted for a wide variety of motivations—both ostensibly "patriotic" and otherwise—including—but not limited to:

a) burying intelligence community connections to the assassination conspiracy; 

b) protecting Organized Crime elements involved; 

c) preventing hostilities between the United States and foreign nations (whether it be the Soviet Union or Castro's Cuba); and 

d) resolving questions about the assassination in the public's mind, both here and abroad. 

That the Controlled Media actively encouraged and/or participated in the cover-up due to its links to the CIA, the intelligence community in general, and Organized Crime.

This is the basis upon which the research for this volume was undertaken. Upon this foundation Final Judgment ties together all of the facts and shows how the State of Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, collaborated with not only the CIA but also key elements in Organized Crime and in the anti-Castro Cuban community in order to orchestrate the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the cover-up.

Some of the facts presented—while not necessarily "new"—have been available to researchers for decades. However, many researchers, regrettably, have not been looking in the right direction. That, of course, is not their fault. Additional information—particularly in regard to Kennedy's difficult relations with Israel and how U.S.-Israeli relations changed drastically as a result of JFK's murder—has really only recently come into the public forum. In Final Judgment we will explore this information in detail. It is this information—long unavailable to even the most dedicated researchers— that ties all of the previous data together. 

The remarkable scenario presented in Final Judgment logically incorporates all of the commonly-accepted theories into one broadly encompassing theory that not only makes sense but which brings the diverse elements in the conspiracy together full circle. It is for this reason that Final Judgment truly lives up to its name. 

The theory presented in the pages of Final Judgment has been greeted with the charge of "anti-Semitism"—a standard attack directed upon any utterance even vaguely critical of Israel and its misdeeds. 

However, the author leaves it up to the basic honesty and open mindedness of the readers to determine whether or not the theory presented in this volume makes sense.

Here, in essence, is the basis of the theory presented and documented— sometimes in excruciating detail—in the pages which follow. 

That during his presidency, John F. Kennedy alienated three major international power blocs: the American CIA, Organized Crime, and Israel and its American lobby. 

That in each case, Kennedy's continued tenure in the White House was perceived by each of these power groups as a threat to its very existence. 

That each of these major international power blocs was closely intertwined with the others, often on several levels. 

That when Kennedy's presence in the White House became so intolerable that these forces came together in a wide-ranging conspiracy that resulted in JFK's murder. 

That the power of these forces, together, over the American media played a vital role in the assassination conspiracy cover-up. 

Final Judgment explores in detail the little-known behind the scenes war between John F. Kennedy and Israel and documents how U.S. policy toward Israel and the Arab world underwent a drastic reversal upon JFK's assassination. 

This book also documents not only the intimate collaboration between the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate and the Mossad, but also the similar incestuous relationship between the Lansky syndicate and Israel's allies in the CIA. We will also focus on the singularly important role of Meyer Lansky's positioning in the joint Mossad-CIA-Organized Crime nexus that came together in the JFK assassination. 

Lansky's own role in the JFK assassination conspiracy has been continually ignored or otherwise suppressed—even by those very "authorities" who claim that "The Mafia Killed JFK." As we shall see, Meyer Lansky was, in fact, the real "overlord" of the international crime syndicate; many of the "Mafia bosses" who allegedly masterminded the JFK assassination were, indeed, Lansky henchmen, front-men, underlings. 

The basic facts have virtually all been published in previous works on the JFK assassination and in other studies on the subjects of U.S-Israeli relations, international intelligence intrigue, and organized crime. 

It is only now, however, that all of the facts have been finally placed together in a neatly-constructed jigsaw puzzle that presents the whole picture in its rather simple entirety. It is not, as we shall see, as complex as it might at first appear. However, the bottom line is this: it is clear that not only did Israel have a motive for participating in the JFK assassination, but that it indeed did play a critical part in the conspiracy.

The conspiracy outlined here was a criminal enterprise involving power politics in its highest—and lowest—forms. This volume: 

Presents international intrigue above and beyond the then-crumbling U.S.-Israel relationship;  

Examines the tragic reality of American involvement in Southeast Asia—which Kennedy sought to prevent—the final result of which guaranteed: 

(a) Israel's dominance in Middle East affairs as the United States became bogged down in Asia; 

(b) Southeast Asian drug profits for Meyer Lansky's global drug racket (operating in conjunction with the Mossad's ally, the CIA); and 

(c) Multi-billion dollar profits in arms production for the backers of Israel's ally—Lyndon Johnson—in the military-industrial complex; 

Explains how the CIA—so closely tied to Israel—was able to continue its subterranean covert activities in Southeast Asia and elsewhere after the elimination of JFK; 

Illustrates how certain special interests (the anti-Castro Cuban movement and Organized Crime) could be manipulated by another special interest—the CIA-Mossad alliance—in pursuit of a mutual goal: ending John F. Kennedy's presidency; 

Points out why the various elements involved in the conspiracy were working in conjunction with one another in covering up the facts about the assassination; 

Details how the Controlled Media—long a primary collaborator with the Lansky-linked pro-Israel lobby in the United States—promoted the Warren Commission's "lone nut" solution of the JFK murder and sought to silence critics of the "official" explanation; 

Reveals how the anger and disgust of one powerful man—in this instance, David Ben-Gurion of Israel—could result in a vendetta carried out by means of a far-reaching conspiracy orchestrated through his own sphere of influence; 

Describes how key American political power brokers—such as J. Edgar Hoover and, most particularly, Lyndon B. Johnson (both connected to the Israeli-linked Lansky Crime Syndicate)—were able to maintain their influence—and expand it correspondingly—upon the death of John F. Kennedy and 

Demonstrates how low-level operatives such as Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby—both with a diverse array of strange connections—were utilized by conspirators at the top. 

All of this taken together makes the conspiracy outlined here one that is not only logical, but one that ties all of the most prominently mentioned conspirators together in a package that is all too uncomfortably neat. 

In order to outline the conspiracy described in the pages of Final Judgment, it is necessary, from the beginning, to consider that conspiracy in its historical context. A wide array of players were involved and their integral links with one another and with the diverse forces behind the conspiracy make it prudent, at this juncture, to provide the reader with an overview of the material about to be presented. Here, however, is a summary overview of the chapters which follow and which presents the necessary outline of the approach we take in laying the groundwork upon which we reach our final judgment: 

Chapter 2 explores the accusation that Israel's Mossad did indeed consider assassinating an American president perceived hostile to Israel—in this instance, George Bush—and ponders the likelihood that the Mossad did, in fact, previously collaborate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 

Chapter 3 reviews the Mossad's historic use of so-called "false flags" in its worldwide acts of terrorism and assassination, leaving others (such as the Mafia," "right wing extremists," and "Arab terrorists") to take the blame. The point driven home is that the Mossad could have done likewise in the JFK assassination. 

Chapter 4 examines the initial tactical alliance—and then enmity— between John F. Kennedy and his father Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy not only with the Israeli lobby but also the Israeli-linked Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate. 

Chapter 5 reviews, in depth, the growing conflict between President John F. Kennedy and the state of Israel—facts which have never been seriously examined by students of the JFK assassination. 

Chapter 6 outlines how the assassination of John F. Kennedy permitted the Lansky Crime Syndicate- and Israeli lobby-linked Lyndon B. Johnson (a favorite of Israel's allies in the CIA) to assume the presidency and begin an incredible reversal of JFK's Middle East policies, thereby strengthening Israel's global hand. 

This important chapter also demonstrates how Israel, the CIA and the Lansky Syndicate stood to benefit from American involvement in the Vietnam War—a little explored aspect of that unfortunate period. 

Chapter 7 is a comprehensive overview of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky, covering his preeminent role in global criminal enterprises and his links not only to Israel's Mossad, but also American intelligence. 

Chapter 8 explores the close relationship between Israel's Mossad and the American CIA, and particularly the important role of the Mossad's chief CIA ally, James Angleton, the CIA's chief of counterintelligence. 

Chapter 9 reviews the conflicts between the administration of John F. Kennedy and the CIA, Israel's primary link in the world of international intelligence. Also considered are the connections of a number of key CIA figures (linked to the JFK assassination) with Israel. 

Chapter 10 sheds important light upon Meyer Lansky's ties with New Orleans Mafia chieftain Carlos Marcello (often fingered as a key conspirator in the JFK assassination) and upon Lansky's preeminence over the Italian Mafia in organized crime activities. 

Chapter 11 reviews Lansky's involvement with Mafia figures Johnny Rosselli and Santo Trafficante Jr., and Sam Giancana and explores all-new revelations about the ties between the Chicago "Mafia" and Israel's intelligence service. 

Chapter 12 is a detailed exploration of Meyer Lansky's predominant role in the international drug racket and how his criminal syndicate worked hand-in-glove with the CIA in these international ventures. 

Chapter 13 considers a little known angle in the JFK assassination conspiracy: the role of Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen. This chapter documents Cohen's close relationship with Israeli intelligence and connects the murder of actress Marilyn Monroe, with Cohen's pro-Israel activities. 

Chapter 14 is a review of the career of Jack Ruby as an errand boy for both the CIA and the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate and his activities connected with the JFK assassination. And yes, there's even evidence linking Ruby to Israel. 

Chapter 15, aptly entitled, "The Twain Shall Meet," demonstrates that it was through the little-explored Rome-based intelligence operation known as Permindex that the Israeli Mossad-CIA alliance and the Lansky Crime Syndicate came together and utilized their joint resources to orchestrate the JFK assassination, bringing about the conspiracy documented in previous chapters full circle. 

Chapter 16 documents a little-known libel trial in which a jury concluded that the CIA had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and examines the role that James Jesus Angleton, Israel's ally at the CIA played in the conspiracy. Most importantly, we will examine the oftmentioned (but little-understood) so-called "French connection" to the JFK assassination conspiracy which was, in fact, also the Israeli connection. 

Chapter 17 dissects the role that CIA and Mossad assets in the media played in distorting the public's perception of the JFK assassination conspiracy and how they pointed the finger of blame elsewhere. 

Chapter 18 is a new look at the assassination of Senator Robert F. and how RFK's murder ties together not only the CIA, Israel's Mossad, and the Meyer Lansky syndicate, but also the Iranian secret police, SAVAK (itself a creation of the CIA and the Mossad). 

The concluding chapter constitutes an overview outlining the nature of the conspiracy that resulted in the JFK assassination.

Then, what follows are ten uniquely diverse appendices that shed new light on a wide variety of little-known aspects of the JFK assassination conspiracy and cover-up that have been distorted or misinterpreted or otherwise forgotten. 

Appendix One considers the covert CIA career of George Herbert Walker Bush and examines his integral links with several of the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy, examining that critical question, "Where Was George?" 

Appendix Two reviews Lee Harvey Oswald's little-known link to at least one long-time federal undercover informant who operated in both "right-" and "left-" wing groups. 

Appendix Three puts to rest, at long last, the theory that "right wing extremists" were the driving force behind the JFK assassination. The primary "right wing" figure linked to the assassination was moving in pro Israel circles all along. (This appendix will surely open up new vistas for argument and discussion among "liberal" JFK assassination researchers.) 

Appendix Four discusses a hotly controversial subject that no other book on the JFK assassination has ever discussed before: the ethnic and political antecedents of the staff attorneys who handled the day-to-day work of the Warren Commission "investigation" of the JFK assassination. 

This appendix also examines the little-known facts about the "kingmaker" behind Warren Commission member Gerald R. Ford: a political power broker with ties to both Israel's Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate. 

Appendix Five looks into the widely-discussed claim that "The Federal Reserve Killed JFK." Separating the facts from the myths, this appendix shows that there's much more to the story than meets the eye. 

Appendix Six takes a look at the strange death of not only former CIA Director William Colby (himself a critic of Israel) but another high level CIA figure who ran afoul of Israel's Mossad. (Even in both of these cases there may indeed be a JFK assassination connection.) 

Appendix Seven is the first-ever exposition of the real link between the JFK assassination and Watergate. Forget anything you've ever heard before about the "Dallas-Watergate" connection. What you'll read here ties the two conspiracies together unlike anything you've ever read before. 

Appendix Eight is a special overview of some of the more pertinent books (along with some of the outrageous ones) that have appeared over the years about the JFK assassination—a reader's guide to the literature. 

Appendix Nine examines the long-secret collaboration between Israel and Red China in the arena of nuclear production and addresses the question as to whether the cancellation (by Lyndon Johnson) of JFK's plans to launch a military attack on Red China's nuclear facilities was a direct consequence of Israel's role in the JFK assassination conspiracy. 

Appendix Ten analyzes the ongoing political crisis in Israel: many Israelis believe that Israeli intelligence had a hand in the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. If that theory is subject to open debate in Israel, why can't Americans ponder the possibility that Israeli intelligence had a hand in the assassination of an American president? 

A special supplement to this edition of Final Judgment appears in the form of what was originally published in a separate volume under the title Default Judgment. This is a detailed selection of questions addressed to the author after the initial release of Final Judgment. The answers shed additional light on many matters discussed in Final Judgment as well as upon some things that were not addressed. 

Our afterword and what may well be our "final word" reflect on the nature of the continuing cover-up and of how the truth may never really be told. A special postscript explains the tragic story of how an honest French diplomat may have died as a result of the release of Final Judgment—another of the strange deaths that came in the wake of the assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. 

What appears in these pages, many readers now believe, is a logically constructed recitation of the facts that lead us to the conclusion that Israel's Mossad did play an instrumental role in the JFK assassination conspiracy. 

You be the judge. 

You have heard all of the other theories time and again. 

This is the one and only book which ties all of those theories together in a comprehensive summary which makes ultimate sense. 

Read this book and reach your own final judgment.

to be continued....
Off With His Head: 
A Mossad Plot to Kill an American President
part 2
Chapter One The Tie That Binds 
1 Entertainment Weekly, January 17, 1992. 
2 Ibid. 
3 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 1992. 
4 Ibid. 
5 University Reporter, January, 1992. 
6 Tikkun , March/April 1992. 
7 Ibid. 





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